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Gods ordinances, theWordandSacraments. 403 M.111.11=11,1 flrengtheniiig of their faith,and his grace and faithfulnefle in beftowing upon them freely,that which he offereth and fealetla unto them inthefe outward feales : Did they con- fider what he gratiouflypromifeth inbath,andexpe& to be made partakersofthem in the ufeof thole ordinance it would marvelou(ly comfort, and quicken to the dili- gent ufe ofallholy mcanes ordained ofGod for our pre- fent comfort,quickening , and rengthening, andfor our everlatlingfalvation. This faith is necef ary ; for it avaitethnot to live under r nece/J"ary to the Gofpell, and to be prefent at the adminiftration of the 1t liveryfaith in Sacraments, if they be not ufed in faith. The word profi- them'e of Gods tethnot, unleIa it be mingled withfaith in them that Beare ordinances. it. And the famemay bePaidofreceiving the Sacraments. Heb.4. :. Faith is the eye,the hand, the mouth, the ftomacke of the fors e : by it we fee, receive,fced upon Chrift. Looke asat a fead,though the Tablebe never fo richly furnifhed,yet if a man haveneither hand, mouth, nor ftomacke, he is not fed thereby : fo isit here. Nor is it fufticient tohave faith,butit mutt be exercifed to receive that grace which the Word of God doth reach us with the fcaic. It is not the having but the new exer- cifeoffaith, which maketh us profitable hearers of the word,worthyreceivers ofthe Sacrament.Looke as aman mayhave a hand, andyet, if whena thing is reached forth tohim, he doe not put it out, nothing is received : fo we may have thegrace offaith,and yet,if when God reacheth us thebody and blondofhis Chrift, we doe not thenawa- ken it, to layhold on the grace God offereth, we {hall go away without receiving it. Or looke as at a feat, though wehave a mouth, and therebe plentifull provifion, ifwe will notopen it,and take downe the fu(tenancebeforeus, we fhall rife empty ; fo though we have the mouth of rhoActs of faith,yet ifwedonot open it toGodnow offering to feed faith in the us, we {hall not get a crumme ofgrace. The Ais of faith be thefe or the like. re ofGodr ordanances. Firlt, It teacheth to worfhip the true God phrely : to I. D d a etteeme 1