404 HOW to live by Faith ix the of of y. Efay 8.10. Dut. I 2.31. Efay z9. 13. Matth.I 5.9. Jer.7.3 I. 2. Pfal.JOí4 S chro.16.1 J. Pfal,z7.8. Pfal Pfa1.63.i,z. Pfal,84.1,z. Verfe 3. Rev. .a 6. Cor.3. a8. Pro.8. 3 4 efteeme,approve,and exercife that worfhip, c that alone which he prefcribeth ; for faith looketh to the revealed will ofGod, as therule ofall acceptable fervice , and to the promifes,as the grounds ofco;.nfort, and good fuc- ceflè. It tenders untoGod, what he requireth ; and loo- keth unto God to receive what he is pleafed, & hath pro- mifed to give. But God will not accept that worfip, whichhe bathnot appointed , nor worke effeélually by thedevices ofmen. No piety, comfort, or true devotion is, orcan be (linedup by humane traditions : foras they are deffitute ofcommandement for their rule, fo are they ofpromife, thatGod willkindleor quickenby them any fparkleof knowledge, faith, invocation, thankfuliaeflè,or other lavingmotions of heart. Secondly, It delighteth greatly to behold the face of God in his fanduary. Wben thou faidefl, Seeks yee my face , myheartfad unto thee, Thy face, Lord will I feek¿e, Whenfhall Icome and appeare before God, O God, thou art my God, early will I feene thee : my foule thirtieth for thee,myflefh longethfor thee, ina drie and thirfly land, where nowater is : Tofee thy power andglory, fo as Ihave feene thee in theSanauary. How amiable are thy taberna- cles, OLordofhefts ? c.71Iy fatale longeth,yea even fainteth for the courts of the Lord: my heart, andmy PA cryeth out for the living God, Bleffed are they that dwell in thy haute. The Leviticall worfhip was as a glaffe more dimme,inwhich theybeheld theface oftheLord obfcure- ly: the Word and Sacraments are to Chriflians as aclearé glaffe,in which as with open face wé behold the glory ofGod in Chrift. Chrift as prefent with us, as long as we hold his publike worfhip : he is found , when we re- cover it having beene lol}. Then doth the face of the Lord chine upon us,whenheoffers himfelfe unto his peo- ple to be feene in his publikeworfhip : thepureand un- defiled exercifes of piety. And from hence fpringeth the willingnes ofthe. Saints,to wake continuallyat thepolies ofwifdomes gates, to heare her words;their earneli con- tention