Gods ordinances, theWardandSacraments. 405 tention and (ludy topreferve,maintain, uphold, & let for- ward the pure worfhipofGod, & to fave,or free it from the droffe of fiperllitious vanities , which obfcure the cleare lightof the Lords countenance,and to re(lore it ac- cording to the patterne, ifonce it fall ; and their diligent enquirie after Chri(l, ifhis face be hidden from them, or his woríhipbe polluted with Idolatry, Tell me (0 thou Cant.r.7. whommyfoule loveth) where thou feedefl , where thouma- be.ft thyflock2 to refit at mane : for why fhould I bee as one that is nailed,among.Flthe flockesoftby companions? Why fhould I be as a woman wafting her felfe with forrow & grief:,whiles I feeke thy prefence in thine ordinances. Thirdly, It feeketh acquaintance with God , and the knowledgeof his will in Chri[l Jefits. Without Tome Rom. ó. z knowledge ofGod in Chri(}, avid ofhis word going be- fore. there can be no faith : but faith endeavoureth the en- creafeofknowledge : It cryeth after knowledge, and lifteth up the voice for underflanding : It feeketh her as Giver, and fearcheth for her as for hid treafures. c Wy PC41. x 19.20. feule breakethfor the longing that it bath unto thy judge- noents , at all times. silfa&e mee to underRand the way of Vecfe x'. thy precepts fo all Imeditate or tale of thy wondrous °. p p . . f y & 4a.t6. works. * This is implied in the phrafeof feeking God, Pfal.'o5.4. which fignifieth tobendall their (lrength and power to Efay58.s. know , acknowledge and worQiip God aright. Know- ledge is pleafant to the believing foule, and wifedome delighteth theheart. Children covet fweete mentes, be- caufe they pleafe the tale; and the believer defires the knowledge of God and his word, becaufe it is fweete and deare unto him. God in Chri(l is the ohje& of faith; the matter, whatfoever is revealed of God to be received or believed i and faith it felfe is more flrong,and the ope- rations offaithmore lively andcomfortable, as there are better knowne. And from this delire it commeth,that the believer clothapply himfelfe toattend unto the word of Ails 16'14° truth, ponder it ferioufly, and treafure it up fafe, that it, !Ails t. might not overflip him. Heh.m a,a. D d 3 Fourthly,