406 a Pfa1,6; S, Deut, tes. to. & 13.4. b Pfai.63.5. Joh.6.51, S 4 1 Pfa1.119.31. dJam.t.z.t. Gen,4.4. Heb. 11.4, PfaLgz.4a 1 How to live by Faith in the uj of Fourthly, It glueth the heart dole to the word, re- ceiveth and poflè{feth the good things promifed, and changeth the difpofition of fòule into the nature of the word.Faith a follower] hard after theword rill it bemade our owne,and its lively Character(tamped upon ;he foule: It b feedeth upon everypart ofthe word, getreth intere(t in every promife,and tucketh vigour andjuyce out of it. By faithwe c f}icke clofe unto the wo, d, and the word doth fticke, or is ingrafted intous. And to the end we might pofíeffe the pearle of the Gofpell, and be feafonedwith the dottrine ofgrace throughly, faith renounceth all interefl in the lusts of the flea],and things of this life. It earneftly pondereth and meditatethupon thegreat things ofthe law,to worke the heart to an holy efteeme of the excellent and heavenly things contained in it, and toa graticus affectation of eve- ryduty therein required. And it importuneth the Lord by true prayer,without hypocritical) halting or flatting afide, thathe would be pleated towrite his law in our hearts, and keepe us ftedfaft unto him, that we maynever depart from his feare. For byfaith we cleave fait unto God ; but it is God that knitter] us unto himfelfe : eAt the girdle cleaveth to the loyne.r of a man fe have I tyed unto mee the whole houfe of Ifraell, that they might bee my pee.. ?le. Fiftly, It quickneth to ferve God in the ufe ofall his ordinances withdiligence, cheerefulneiïe,and heft endea- vour. By faith e. bel brought of the $rfilings of his flocke ,. and of the fat thereof an offering to the Lord. By faithDavidwent with the multitude unto the houfe of God, with the voiceofjoy andpraife: faith can neither becloyed WithGods prefence, nor account any fervice too good for him.The voiceoffaith is,I willfing andgive praifewith the belt member that Ihave. How fhould he be negligent in the ufeofany ordinance,who feethGod in his whole worfhip, and findeth comfort, tafteth fsveet neffe zü everypart. Wee fee by experience, the defre of