Gods ordinances, the Ward andSacraments. of gaine drawes men to rife early, ref} late, toyle hard inany bufinefre that may bring in commodity : But faith begettethan unfatiable, operative,conf}antthirfl and define of fpirituall things which makes the believer in- duflrious in the u'e ofall means , whereby his treafure may be encreafed. Looke as the Merchant takespaines to eu,:,tire himfelfe, andencreafe his fubflance ; fo doth the faitbfuIl foule to get poffeflion ofthe true treafure. Lively faith,and burning love towards the Lord,lodge both toge- ther, whichbring forthpaines and forwardnefle in the workes of holinefle, willingnefle and delight to pleafe him in all things. More particularly it may be inquired, Howparents in faith fhould prefent their children unto baptifine , W hat ufeChrifkians fhould makeoftheir baptifmme, when they cometo age anddifcretion ; Andhowweare to receive the Lords Supper in faith. Thededication ofa childe toGod, is a worke of fingu- lar and great importance, one of the weightief} fervices weca -n take inhand,though(we may feare) it is confider- edoffew. For to fay nothingofthe ignorant and profane fort,who favour not the things ofGod, and therefore can haveno reverentregard to the feales ofthe covenant how many be thereofbetter hopes,well inftrued in the prin- ciples ofreligion, diligent frequenters of Gods Ordinan- ces, and carefull tobeautifie their profefïion with anholy converfation, whodid never diitinc`fly, and in good car- ne1c confiderofthis matter? when yet they muf} needs ac- knowledge, thatit cannot bewell done as it ought, ifit be not done in faith. The aets offaith in this particular bee thefe, and fuch like. Firfl, It callethto remenhrance the free and gratious covenant which Godhash made with the believing pa- rents and their poflerity. I am thy cod , and the God of thyfeecle. For thepromife is made unto you, and to your children, andto all that areafarre off, even at manyat the Dd4 Lord P 407 ..r._... ECay 64.4, com. wita i Cor.i.9. Parents fhould infaith prefent their Chili to God in Bap. trine. ?le atas of faith in this particular. I. G.en.i'.7,9. Acts 2.39