408 How to live by Faith ix the up of Lordour Godthall call: which covenant,as it is made it the parents and their feed , fu loth the faith of the parent apprehend the promife ofthe covenant for himfelfe and for his feede. And this is the ground ofthat tender,which a Chril}ian makes ofhis Child unto holy Baptifine. For by naturalI generation the Children ofbelieving parents aredefiled withfinne, and founder wrath : but they are holy by covenant and free acceptation, the believing pa- rent embracing the mercifull promife of God forhimfelfe andfor his poflerity. Infants are not borne Chriftians by naturali birth, but made Chriflians by venue ofthe cove- nant, God promiling to accept them, upon offer madeun- tohim by the parents. Secondly,By faith the believingparents =if}give them- 2 felves unto God, chufinghim to be their portion, and re- figning themfelves in all things tobeguided by his word, in all elates and conditions. He that would givehis childe unto God, mull give himfelfe flrft. Is it probable, that Father can truly delire, and long after the preferment of his childe in the Kingdotne of grace here, and of glory hereafter,whowill not enter himfelfe,norfubmit his will to thecommandement ofgrace ? The promife is made to the faithful' ; and that faithone?y, which drawes a man to yeeldup foule and body, as a living facrifice unto God, pleating and acceptable untohis Majefy, doth quicken a parent truly, fincerely, freely, and as he ought to make tender of his childe unto God. Thirdly, It provoketh parents to offer their children 3 unto Godby hearty and unfained prayer, affoone as ever they have received them from him. Gods promife to ac- cept our children, calleth for prayer and fupplication on our part, that he would bepleafed to make good his mer- cifull and free promife. Thus David reafoneth, Thou, O Lord ofhefts, JodofIfrael1, haft revealed to thyfervant, a Sam. .27. Paying, Iwill buildthee an boule : therefore bath thy fer- vantfound in his heart to pray this prayer unto thee. And fo lhould everyFather,O Lord,thou haft covenanted to