Gods ordinances, the Wordand Sacraments., tobe my God, and theGod ofmypofterity,therefore am I bold to intreat thy fatherly acceptance ofmypoore In- fant. Fourthly, Itconfiderethwhat a fingular prerogative it is, tobe ac5lually admitted into covenant with God, re- ceived into his family, and tohavehis name put uponus ; tobe partaker of the feale of regeneration, remiffion of fumes, adoption, andeverlafling inheritance ; foiemnely tobe made free of the focietyof Saints, and weare the Lords badge and livery. Andwhat an high and incom- prehenfble mercy it is, that God bath promifed and dothvouchfafe thefe great and ineflimable blefíìngs, not onely tohimfclfc amiferable and wretched finner,but alfo tohis poflerity , whoby naturali generation are enemies to his Highneffe, dead in trefpaffes, and in bondage unto the curfeof the law. With thefeor the like meditations of faith, believing parents muff prefent their children unto Baptifme, that theymight receive the feale ofrege- neration, remiffion offinnes,and fpirituall liberry;that the Nameof God might be fet upon them, and their names regiflredamos gfl the free Denifonsof the heavenly le rufalem. Andfervent ef e uall prayer Both accompany this admiflion, that Godwould be pleafed to accept the party baptizedforhis childe by grace and adopion, re- leafe himofhis fins, and make himpartaker of his everla- fling kngdome. Faith believeth what God promifeth, ashe promifeth it ; andbeggethfervently, what he gi- veth freely. Fiftly, Itftirreth uphearty rejoycing in the Lord, that he bath vouchfafed in tender compafllon to looke upon them,and their poflerity, and thus to honour and advance them: for the truth Nobility is to be madea Chriflian, . and to live in favour withGod. Aworldly Fatherwoad muchrejoyce, ifhis childe fhould be preferred to force chiefe Office in thePrinces Court,affoone as it was borne: AChriftianFather bathmuch greater caufe of joy, that he is admitted, not as a fervant, but-as a fanne and beire, into 4 °9 4 S