Ball - BT770 B3 1637

410 H©W to liveby Faith in thiof of into the Court of the great King of Heaven and Earth, Ifparents can compafle but a Leafc of force Farme for themfelces, and theirs, they are glad : and !hall they not rejoyce, that God bath by covenant and kale paf: fed thegrant ofthe Kingdome of Heaven to them and theirs ? - Sixtly, It flirreth up parents tobe diligent and carefull to bring up their children in informationand feare of the Lord, being inflant with God tobleffe their endeavours for the goodof their children, and theglory of his name. For thus faith perfwadeth : Thy childe is not thine, but the Lords ; thou'hail dedicated himunto the fervice ofhis Majefly,.and he, from whom thoureceived him at ñrft, hath committed him to thy charge , to be trained up in his feare. It is agreat honour to be trufled with filch a charge, and it is a fearefull :finne to ncgle61 fo.great a trufl. Wilt thou confecrate thy childe to God this day , and leave him to the Dcvill for ever after ? Wilt thou teach him a trade, that he might live as a Man , and not teach him the wayofgodlineffe, that hee might live as a Chri- flian ? Didfl thounot undertake for his education in the true Religion, and wilt thou negleE} the performance of that folemne oath ? Chrif} commanded the children of Chriftianparents tobe brought unto him : and wilt thou prefcnt them untaught, and ignorant of the Chriftian faith ? The fame confcience, which moved parents to of- fer theirchildren to Baptifine, will quicken them to en- deavour their education in the true faith, and fervice of God. Baptifme is aPeale ofthe covenant betwixt Godand us; ofGods promife to us that he will be our God,and ofou: promife to him, that we will behis people,repent ofour fins,believe in Chrifl, walke before him in fincerb obe® dience.For fignification, force, ufe and fruit it continueth, not for amoment of time , but for the whole courfe of a mans life. It doth refpet4not onely the time pafl,andpre- fent, but that which is tocome ; yea, that whole time a man mar. i0.11)26 ,k, 1 Byfaith see fl ould malte rightufe of our Baptifine.