Gods ordnances, the Wordarid Sacraments. 411 man hath to fpend, from the very ait o$. his Baptifme, to his death. Forasit is thePeale ofa free; eve+Marling , un- changeable covenant ; fo is the forceandufeof it perpe- mall. Baptifme is the true Sacrament of repentance, for remiffion of Pinnes, and fpirituall renovation, which beingonce received, remaineth a perpetual! te(iimo- nyand pledge of the everlafting Covenant of' God , and continuall wafling away of:nne by the blond of Chri(i, cnd the Spirit of tan iification. By fingular appropria- tion it reprefente,.h and confirmeth our engraffing into Chri(i, but withal! it fealeth the whole Covenant of grace. mug tobe Theufe ofBaptifme istwofold. Fir(}, It ferves to bee male of our a pledge and token of Gods favour , and that divers tmsr f e i: wayes. f z . Firff, In that irisa feale of ourregeneration by the ho- ly Spirit, whereby a divine quality is infufed into us, in z. the roome and placeof originali corruption. And there- fore Baptifine (as the text is ordinarily expounded) is cal- led the laver of regeneration : it being an ufual! thing tocall the principali caufe,and the in(lrument by the fame T1tus 3'Ç. name. Secondly, It fealeth and confirmeth unto as the free z. pardon and forgiveneffe ofour fins. Repent andbe baptized every erse of you in the Name ofIeftos Chrift,for the rerniffion A. 3 t. offins. srlrifeandbe baptized,andwafbaway thy finnes,cal- Act.,..,,, 6. lingon the Nitstoof the Lard. Thirdly, Baptifme is a pledgeofthe vertue of Chrias death,and ofour fellowship therein. Doe yee not know that 3' all we,whohave beene baptizedinto defies Chrif,.have been Rom.6.;. baptizedintohis death ? Fourthly, It is alfo a pledge of the vertue of Chrias life, andofour communionwithhim therein. The life of 4 Chritl is the life of every believer, who liveth in Chrili, (hall live for ever with him, and in him : a certaine pledge whereofhebath given us in this Sacrament. For if we bave beeneplantedtogether in the likenet ofhis death: we R°116.5". (ball