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412 How to live by Faith in the life of fha!1 be alto in the ligenefeof his referrethon, Buried with Co1.2.. t s. him in73aptifine whereina fo_yont are rifenwith him,throsagrh thefaithof the operationof God, who bath rcifed ham from thedead. Fiftly, Baptifine is a pledge of our adoption in Chrift. S' By nature wee are the children of' wrath : but by grace and adoption the fonnes of God, through faith in Chrift ; which isfealed in Baptifine, wherein the name of the Father, Sonne , andholy Spirit is put upon us. When Jacob bleffed the fonnes cf Io/eph, Ephraim and Manaf Gen, 48.16. fes, Paying, Let any name bee mimed on them ; he adopted them for his fonnes, to have inheritance with them in the land ofCanaan : and when Godputteth his name upon us, he fignifieth and aflureth that we are his fonnes, Tee areall thechildrm ofGodbyfaith in Chrift Iefiits, For as Ga1.3.26,17 manyofyou , as have beene baptizedinto Chrifl,havepit on Chrifl, 6. Sixth'y, Baptifme is a folemneteimony of our com- munionwith all the lively members of Chrift Jefus. It is a feale ofthe bond ofmutuall love and fellowfhip, both ofChrift with his members, and of' his members one withanother. For by one Spirit are wee all baptized into t Cor.z :.13. one body , whether wee be Lewes or gentiles , whether wee bee bond or free : And Baptifine is one of thole things Ephef4.5. whereby theunityofthe Spirit is preferved in the bond of peace. Seventhly, It is a feale andpledge to affnre, that God 7. will provide for us in this life, raifc up our bodies unto Mark 16.16 life at the laft day ofJudgement, and beflow upon us that Titus 3.5,6,7 everlafling Kingdome and Inheritance, which lice bath t Pet.3.a1, prepared. For in Baptifme the Lord loth promife to be our God, that he will provide us of all things neceffary forfoule and body, turne all evils whichdoebefall in this miferable life,to the furtheranceofour falvation, raife up our bodies at the laRday, and receive us unto himfelfe to ddwell with him for evermore. l In all which refpeds Baptifme is ofgreat force to ftrcngthen