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Gods ardrnances, the WordandSacraments. flrengthen faith, and cafe the heart in diarefïe. For when the repentant firmer leeks hiinfelleheavy laden with the burden ofhisfinnes ; whenSathan tempts hirn to doubt or defpaire in regardofhis corruptions ; whenhis owne corruptionmovethhim tofnne,andhe is evennow inthe combate, the Spirit tufting again(l the flesh. and the fiefn lufling;againll the Spirit ; andwhenhe is deeplyperplex- edwith feale offalling away : then the confiderationand remembrance ofwhat was promifed , and fealed in Bap- tifine will ièrve to flay, fupport, and comfort the foule. For therehe fhaiI finde that his name is written in the co- venant ofGod, that Godbath promifed togive Chrifl to be his Redeemer,to accept ofChrifts fatisfac "cion for him, to wafh away all his fins, as certainely as the water Wa- fheth away the filthofthe body : and having fuch a faith- full promife confirmedby feale , wherefore thouldhebe difmayed? In Baptifinealfo God hath fealed unto him the mortification of his finne by the power of Chrifls death : which is ground ofconfidence,that God will ena- ble him toovercome the rebellious tufts of his heart, and crucifie the old manmoreand more, until' the body of fin be utterly deftroyed. True itis, that man by nature is dead in finne : but inBaptifine, God ofhis mercy hath fealed unto the believer, his rifing, from the death of finne to newnefleoflife,True it is,that Qfour felves weare prone to fall away from grace received : But God ofhis rich gracefealethunto the faithfull inBaptifme aRefurreaion'. untoimmortall life, which (hall grow daily , but never decay. Ifthe faithfull beafflk ed,anddefpiíed of men,perfc :u- tedand forfaken, call out ofthevifible Congregation,a d banifhed from thehoufe of God : yea,even inthe agonies of death; the remembrance of the promifes fealed in Bap'i fuie, will afford comfort, Forifmen have.forfaker., God hath received them ; If men fcorne and contemne, the Lord will acknowledge them. He bath long ague, fealed them for his owne, received tl:em into his family,1 under 413 Rom.6.9, an.