414. How tolive by Faith in theufi of undertaken to provide for them, and adopted them as heires apparantto the KingdomeofHeaven. IfGodhad given them his word alone for fecurity, it had beene fuf ficient ; But having confirmed it by feale in Baptifme, they have great caufe to reft Aired. True it is they may becal{ out ofthe vifibleafemblies, but theycan never be cut offfrom the invifible Communion of Saints . They muff die , but God hath fealed unto them their riling from the grave to everlafling life, by the power andver- tueofChriRs Refurreftìon : which is a comfort of all comforts, able touphold the fouleof man in the home of death. The fecond ufe ofBaptifme , it is a feale of our du- ty promifed , and fo a fpurre and provocation to re- pentance , faith, new- obedience, brotherly love, and unity. Firft, It is a fpurre torepentanceand mortification:for Baptifme dothkale remiflion offinnes to them only that repent, and by godly forròw come home unto God. And as we expe& the bleflìng,we mutt looke that we faile not in the condition. If we be buried with Chrift in Bap- tifine, it isour duty tomortifie the Belli with the affeFfi- ons and lufts, that it may liveno longer, to bring forth fruits unto death. For a dead man cannot live. By fo- lemne oathweare bound to crucifie unruly lufts, which fightagainft the foule : and (hall we fallifie fo great a pro- mife? Againft whom fhould wefight, ifnot againft Sa- than ? or what w ill he be willing to fpare for the Lords fake, whowill not part with his finnes ? Why íhould we feare the ftrength of Sathan , the power of finne , the rage ofperfecutors, the bofl'e of earthly things? or defpaire becaufeof the wrath of God juflly kindled againft finne. Itweturneunto God by unfained repen- tance, we havehis faithful' promife confirmed by fealc, that he will be merciful' unto our limes , enable us to overcome our corruptions, fortifie us againfl the powers I ofHell, fupport us under, ordeliver us out of' all trials, and a. Marke 1 4.