Gods ordinances, the WorlandSacraments. 415 and gratioufly provide whatfoever (hall be needefull for us. Secondly, It is a provocation unto faith, and a pledge g, thereof. We have the promilèofGodunder -his hand, and Peale, that he wilt wadi us fromour iniquities , receive us for his children, remember our neceffities, bellow upon us the Kingdome ofHeaven : we (hall doe great wrong anddifhonourto God, if we doubt or make queflion, whether he will performe promife freely made,and con- firmedby covenant and feale. We are bound by coin- mandement tobelieve inJefus Chrifl, and to commit our felveswholly unto him, as unto a faithful Saviour : And wehave bound our felves by promife,covenant and feale, that we will believe and cleave unto him, as our only Sa- viour: fhall we then goe backe, grow remiufe, cr give way to doubting? Ifdoubtings ari(e, through the tight of finne , or want of fenfe and feeling comfort , or the worldbegin to creepe into the heart , and divide it from Chrifl, let us then remember, we have troth-plighted our felves to jefas Chri(l,,and by faithful!promife,never to be calledbacke, givenour felves wholly to reta , and flicke clofe unto him : and therefore mull admit no thought, whereby we fhouldbe drawne afide, or divided from him. Thirdly, It is an incitement untonewobedience,and a pledge thereof... Wee are buriedwithhim by 73aptifine into! . 3' death, that like as Chrijt was raifed up from the dead, by' tiegloryofthe Father : Even fo wee alfo flioreld walke in nevanejfeof life : inwhich Chapter the ApoRle d iipu- reth ofour a ions, that we fhould abllaine from eviil and follow thole that are good. We have folemnely fworne to fightagain(! the Devil!, the World , and the Flefh; and having taken the preffe-money of Jefus Chrifl , it were an immortali difgrace toaccept of truce withSathan. Wee carry the badge and livery of I efus Chrill, and shall we forfake our colours, and fight for the Devil? It is ('}range, that children fhould leave their pa-{ 6 rents!