Ball - BT770 B3 1637

416 Non' to live 'Fiitb io the tifi, rents and take part with their enemies : Wee have given our felves unto God , and were once dedicated unto his fervice, we:kiow turne offer our Pelves un- to Saban? Honouris dueunto parents if God be our Father,+vtètritilt'freely fubtttit our felves to his will and pleafure. God will (lrs°ngthenus to obey, and accept of waake, if fincereobedience : and that (huts forth all place of excufe.Ifwebe engrafted into the iiniilitude ofChrifts refurreetion, wemu(t expreffe by our aftions the power and likenefe. of Chrifts refurreetion;which is done,when we walke in all-pleafìngbefore God,and fer our affeelions upon thingsabove. And this,as it is commanded on Gods part, fo it is fealed on our part in Baptifine. Fourthly, It is a pledge or pawne of love and unity. We mull keepe the unity of the fpirit in the bond of peace; for weare all baptizedinto one body. Wee mull not jarre,forwe are brethren : We snuff not quarrell nor contend, for weare members ofthe fame body, andhave beene fealed into the famebody. It goeth ill with the na- *The nor exer- . turall body, when the joynts are difiolved : it is unnatu- cife offaith re- rail that the membersofthebody myllicall fhould be di- qutred in the \Tided. worthy steel-* Itis not the"havin faith but the new exercife of virg the Lords g , supper. faith , which maketh us worthy receivers of the Lords Supper. The (orinthianshad faith, yet received n t the grace of the Sacrament , becaufe they received not in faith. The Aas of Thea Is of faith in receiving the Lords Supper are faith is this or- many. dinance. Ezra, By it we difcerne the Sacrament to be the holy x Ordinance of_God, in[lituted- for our fpeciall good and' benefit, fealinguntous the promifes, which God of his freemercy bath made unto us inJefus Chrilt, By faithwe under(land what promifes God bath made , for what caufe, in whomhe hath made them, what he requireth, tit how hebath fealed his freepromifes in the Sacrament. And the certaine, diflin , cleare, effeauallknowledge of this