Ball - BT770 B3 1637

Gods Ordinances,theWordand Sacraments. 417 this point,is a'matter offingularand great importance.For ifworldly men make good account of a fufficient mansfe- curity for fomegreat fumme of money ; in what efleeme willa Chriftian have this pledge ofGods favour,when he certainly underilands what it dothfignifie and afire ? Secondly, By it we fee what the Lord doth offer unto us therein, how excellent and precious it is, with what affurance it is freely tendered, and may be received. The outwardfignes in the Sacrament arevifible to thebodily eye :- but the inward grace fignified and fealed thereby, whichmuttferioully be confidered andminded ofus,is not manifett, but to the underflanding enlightned by theSpi- rit,and feafoncd by faith,which oneiycan judge diftineily ofits worth and excellencie. Thirdly,It .tharpeneth fpirituall appetite,and Ilirreth up I-ungringSr thir[tmg after Chrift,and his benefits. By faith we fee ourwant, by faith we tallehow good the Lord is, how fweet and pleafant the dainties hee bath prepared ; which raifeth an appetite of defire, and complacencie. O God, thou art my God, early xvill Ifeele thee : myfoule thirjethfor thee, myfiefh longeth for thee. The Sacrament ofthe Lords Supperis a great and fpirituall feaft,wherun- tothe faithfull arc invited : and faith whetteththe fpiri- tuall appetite to long after, and rellifla the fatneffe and marrow, which is there provided. Fourthly, It earneftlycontendeth for mercy,confelfing fin with griefe and hatred, judging and condemning it freely, unfainedlybegging pardonwith ftrength ofgrace towithftand fin for the time to come. Whenfoever faith commethtoreceive the Peale of pardon,itpleadeth guilty, humblethfor tranfgreffion, andintreateth forgiveneffe of undeferved mercy, that grace might bemagnified in for.. tgiveneffe. .1fy tobe contra Fiftly,By faithwe receiveChrifi offering himfelfe free- 'and bath given the Sacrament as a tokenof his love and : faith apprehendeth the mifetie ofthe foule E c with- 2. 3. Pfa1.6;. i, 5.