Ball - BT770 B3 1637

418 6. Rom .7.4. Ichn.áss 8, Cams. i6. How tolive by Faith in the afe of without Chri(f,the excellent dignity,honourand beauty of Chri(l, and thehappinefleofthe foule which isunited un- tohim;and thereuponhumblyembracethhis offer oflove. Sixtly, By faithwee re(igne up our fclves unto Jefus Chri(l,and willingly yeeldfoule and body untohim. This the natureof the matrimoniali contrai, which pafleth be- twixt ChrifI, an 4 the believer, requireth : for as Chrif promileth to''. be a Saviour,Head and Husband unto thebe- liever;fo dothhe troth-plight hi,n elfeunto Jefus Chrifi, tocleave unto him as his onely Saviour, and in all things to be obedient unto his will and pleafure. wherefare my brethren, yeeare alto become dead to the Law by thebody of ChriA thatye ¡honk' bemarried to another, evento hint who rsraijedPM the dead, that we fhoaldbrimforth j?teit rento God. Sevcnthly, Faith feedeth uponChrii, and fucketh vi- gour fromhim. His fiefh is mean, indeed, and his bloetd drinke indeed. Meate tobe eaten,not with the teeth,bur by faith. Meate indeed, not innature,but in effect, becaufe it nourifheththe foule, andgiveth eternal( life to them that Bate thereof. Andby faith we fpirituillyeate the flefhof theSonne of Man, and drinke his blond. And as he that cateth wholfome food,is flrengthened thereby,and made fitand able for the ac`lions ofthis life ; fo he that feedeth upon Chrifl: fpirituallyand by faith,is Elrengthened to the actions of fpirituall life,and made able for theexercifesof piety and holinef e. Eightly,Faith affurcthof that fpirituallcontra&which hathpaffed betwixt Chria and the ChriRian foule, and is fealed in the Sacrament fo that he may truly fay, Lty beloved ismine,andIam his, As a couple, whohave law- fully given faith to each other, andconfirmed the fame by pledge or token in the congregation, are alluredofeach other: fo whenwe have contracted ourfclves untoChrif}, andreceived the pledge thereof,we come tobeaffuredby faith,that Chrif} is ours, and that we have communion in all the benefits of his death andpaillon. Thus faith reafo- neth,