Gods ordinances,theWord andSacraments. 419 neth, God the Father bath freelypromifcd the pardonof all finnes in and through Jefus Chrift ; Chrift dothoffer himfelfe as aRedeemer to deliver them from the power ofdarkenes, and tobring them intoperpetuall gracewith his Father, to wafh them from their (hales by his blood and fpirit,andto preferve andnourifh themunto lifeeter- nail, whowill receive and believe inhim. And being fo lovingly called and invited, I have received the mercifull promife, and refìgr,ed my felfe unto JefusChrift why then íhbuld I (land in doubt ? I hare the word of pro- mife, I fee and have received the feales annexed to the Word of grace, the true and faithfull teflimony of God confirmed by oath, and I may not queflion his truth, nor draw backe from mine owne promife to refit upon, and cleave unto him for evermore. Ninthly, It airreth up joy and thsnkfulneffe, with fe- rions remembrance ofthe manifold benefits and bleffings which in Chrift Jefas arevouchfafed. Whenmenhave a lcafe offome good bargaine fealed, they are merry and glad ; muchgreater caufe of joyhave they, who have re-. ceived fromGod, who cannot lie, filch apledgeofhis love, the fealeofan everlafting inheritance. Arife,0my foule, and fing for joy, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is rifèn upon thee. Thou didit fit in darkneffe, forlorne and miferable, guilty offin, in bon- dage to thecurie, in fealeof eternall condemnation : but now God isappeafed, Chrift bath fatisfied Suffice, par- don is proclaimed, thou haft received the free gracious promife, and eternall blefled peace is concluded. And for thy greater aflurance, God hath added his feale to his free grant of pardon : holybread is added, and given to thee for a Sacrament anddivine teftimonie, that the body ofChrift was crucified for thee : blefled wine is added, and given to thee, for acertaine pledge and token, that theblond ofChrift was flied for thee, that righteouf- neffepurchafed by thatfacrifice is thine,thateternall falva- tion procuredby that price is thinebyanirrevocable title. E e 2 Praifc 9