420 NOW toliveby ,F'aith inthe aft' of Praife the Lord, Omy foule, and forget not the great love ofGod in giving his Sonne to die, that thoumightefl be delivered from the feareofhell anddeath ; forget not the Love of Chris} in sufferingdeath, that thoumightef} be fet free from the curfe of thelaw, and burning wrathof God defervedby finne; forget not thegraceand favour of God in calling thee to feaff with him, and giving this pledge and carnet} ofhis perpetual' love. Thou cant} not forget thefe, but thou forgetteft thy fenfe : thou cant} not neglect thefe, but thouhateft thy felfe. Whatcanil thou defire more,thento haveGod tobe thyGod,Chrift to thy Saviour?What wouldft thou remember ifthou forget the loveofChrif} in fufFcringdeath for thy redemption, and the earneffof his love, wherebyhe dothaffure, that his bodie was crucified, and his blond shed for the: ? Meanestsffirre Now the better to f}irre up our felves to receive this up our selves Sacrament infaith. LordsSu the Firft,We muf}bewaileour u,abeliefe,dulneffe, earthly- infaith. pper dif}emper ofour fpirituall ta(}e,and co- r, ceit offpirituall fulneífe;labouring to quicken the fenfe of our miiery,andraifé the fouleto anhigh pryfing ofChrif}, andhungring after him. Emptineffe prepares to receive meate,and hunger gives it a good relifh;and ifwe fee our mifery and nakedneffewithoutChrif},and thirft after him, we (hail catehis fiefh, anddrinkehis blondwith fweetc comfort and refreshing, Secondly, Confider how freely the Lord Bothtender Chrif} tobee received inhis Wordand Sacrament. The Lord,I fay, faithfull in hispromises, plentifùll in mercies, who bathauthority to give what he promifeth, offereth Chris} with all the benefits ofhis death and paillon, to everypoore, defpifcd, thirftie, afflicted foule, who doth defire andwill receive him. 3, I Thirdly, Weigh and confider the bleffed f}ateand con ditionofthem, who be reconciledunto God, contraiied' unto fetus Chrit}, whoareeasedfrom their fins, washed from their filthineffe, and feperated untoglory : and fo quicken