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Gods ordi, t ces,theworddandSdcr4ments. 42I quicken our -._.)rules to receive and lay fall hold upon thefe ineflimable èc e1its offered untous by name. Fourthly, Having troth-plighted our felves to Jefus 4. Chrifl unfainedly, wee mutt awaken and row fe up our foules to rejoyce in hirn.What can Idefine more ?God the Father hath given his oncly begotten Sonne tobe my Sa- viour, andI have received and am betrothed untohim : a firme peace isconcluded,an everlalting inheritance is alit- red unto me. I havea good legacy bequeathed untome in the promifes, whereunto I Rieke ; fealed unto me in the Smament, which I may produce as an evidence to (lop themouthofSatan,if bee(hall contend and feeke to robbe me ofmypriviledges bellowedofgrace. IfI be hunger- Iohn.6.56. (larvalinmy felfe,the body ofChrift is true meate,nouri- fhing me to life eterrall ; If thirflie and dellitute of the fappeofgrace, the bloudofChrill is true drinke, nouri- fhingme to life eternall : and eating his fle(h, and drin- king his bloud,hedwelleth inme, and I in him. Thuswe mull quicken our hearts to rejoyce in beliefe ofthe pro- mifes made and fealed,waitinguponGod,tillhe be pleafed togive the fence andcomfort ofit. CHAP, XII. Thefaithful' are bound,,andit isbehovefallfor them, tobelieve the threatnings. VOd is afwell juft as mercifull,faithfull and true as well in his threats,as in his promifes : and therefore equal- ly tobe believed in both, fo farre as inhis word hehath affuredus ofboth. He who is certaine ofhis falvation, knoweth aflàredly, he fhouldbe damned, ifhe fhouldgoe on in fin without repentance, and (hall talleofmuchbit- rernefle, ifhegrow indulgent tohis corruptions. It is as fure,that God will condemn the wickedand impenitent, as thathe will lave therighteous and repentant. If. Paul Ee 3 beate r C.or.9.27.