422 , T"hefaithfull are bound,andit zc behovefull beate not downe his body, andbring it into fubjection,hc Pzek,I8.24,l6 fhall be as droffe and refufè. If the righteous forfake his righteoufnefe and commit wickedneffr, or be a worker of iniquity, all hisformer righteoufneffelhallbe forgotten. The godly man is not flavifhly tofeare falling away, or running into deftruèlion;but wifelyto believe the threat- nings,to preventfalling into finne, and fo into condemna tion.Theftcbject, who fèareth the punifhment ofthe law, and keepeth himfclfè innocent, taketh a wife courfe for !. his owne fecurity. Everypart of Scripture is Gods Word, ofcertaine and undoubted truth, which cannot begaine-laid; written for thebenefit andprofitofthemwho (hall beheires offalva- tion : But the threatnings are part ofthe Word of God. Whatfoever things werewrittenafore-time(evenas well ex- amples of judgement inflicted upon tranfgreflburs, and threatnings denounced againft them that (hall offend, as promifes of mercy toallure unto obedience)were written forour learning and inftruetioi . In the flareof innocencie there was ufe ofthreatnings, fo is there in the (late ofgrace. As a meanes to keepe our firft parents from finne, the Lord denounceth death a- gainft them, if they íhould eate ofthe forbidden frititt. job.; i.21,z;. lobprofé{feth, he durft not lift up his hand againft the Fa- therleffe,for defirntlionfrom Godwas a terreur untohim,So' David, AIy fleJh tremblethforfeareofthee : andlam afraid ofthy Iudgements. The righteous manwifely confsdereth the houfe of the wicked: but Godoverthroweth she"wickedfor their Wickedne ffe. ` And fure it is expedient for u<, that threatnings fhould be mingled withthe promifes ofgrace ; for(foprone are we toflatter,and'favour our felves)milder doctrinewould grow.colde, unies theft fpurrswere added. The tartneffe ofthe threatning makes us bell tartthe fweetnefleofthe promife : Sowre and fweet make thebell fauce;promifes threatnings mingled fit our ftate,and ferve to keep the heart in thebelt temper. We grow overboldwith God,if the Rom. 5.4, z Cor, 0.6. Gen.a. i 7. PCaI. t c 9.1 zo. Pro. z i, 1z.