forthem,tobelievethe threatnings the threatning doe not awe ; are foonedejeeced, if the promifedoe not fupport. The Lord knowethboth ne- cefllary to keepe us inawe; and therefore beginneth with promifes, to the intent we might follow him the more willingly ; but to drive forward when we flop, or grow remiffe, he addeth threatnings. Wherefore we receivinga kingdom, which cannot bemoved, let us havegrace, whereby we may ferveClodacceptably,witói revierence a dgodlyfeare. For our God se a confremingfire. The ails of faith in refpea of the threatnings bee thefe. Firfl, It workethhumblenef a of minde and heart : for what the law threatneth,the faithfull will freelyacknow- Iedge,that they deferve,andfo arraigne themfelvesas guil- tieof all miferie and death before the throne ofgrace ; whereby the pride and flubborneffeofnature ismuch aba- ted. Say wenot ofhim, whohath beetle once impleaded before the tribunali ofanearthly Iudge,as guiltyoffelony or treafon, he bath no reafon tobe flout ? What then will the arraignement ofthe foule worke,when a man fhall be drawne to acknowle,igebefore God, that he hathdefer- ved to be cat} into hell, for his manifold offences and tranfgreflionsagainfl God. Secondly, It bringeth forthawefulneffe,reverence and feare. The righteous alfo Jhald fee and feare. As the Childequaketh, when heheareth that his Father is angry with, or doth correft afervant : fo theheart and body of the faithfiull tremble,as oft as they confider the feverity of Gods wrath againft the wicked and ungodly. rihen I heard, my belly trembled, my lips quivered at the voyce: rot- tennere entredinto mybones, andI trembled inmyfcdfe,that I might re.#ì< in the day of trouble : That is, when the i fameof thy divine punifhment and judgement came to mine cares, which thou bait decreed to inflict upon thy people ; my belly, that is, "my heart and bowels moved for griefe and feare. Thus 2t,oah hearing ofGods Ì fait wrath again(} the finfull world, and ofhis purpofe to 423 flc5,t 2.28As The as9soffaith in refi ell ofthe Tbreatnings. I. 3. Pfal.fz.6. A.s. 5.5. Pfal.tty,cxo Ion. i.t 6. I C!non.i 3.Ia Hab.3.i6. cc Pro.2.0.17, I!fal.4o. R.