424 Thefaithfull arebotmd,andit is behovefúll Deut.13.1 r; & 17.13.& 19. z6, Ier.to.7. Pfal.76.7. Phil.2. r t. Mat.lo.z8. Luk.t x.4,5. Cor.q.to,11 Pfalgo. t r. 4. tooverthrowall living flefh by water, was moved with great feare and reverence at this ftrange, dreadful! and mightywcrk of God; and from theviewofthishis great and jut wit judgement,his faith made him arifeto amoreear- neft conlderationof theglorious Majeftyofthe Almigh- ty. And this is the efffct of judgement executedbymen according to thedirection of Gods word. eflndall Ifrael (hall heareandfeare,andthall doenomore anyfilchwickkedne,. True faith then worketh an holy feare andreverent awe ofGod in refpec`f ofhisjudgements. whowould notfeare thec,O Kingofnations ?for to thee cloth itappertaine.Thate, even thou art tobefeared, and who mayLand in thyfight when once thonart angry ? The godly mans aflurance of Gods favour will (land wellwithreverenceofhisMajefy,and feareof temporall afflictions, fpiritualldefertions, and the torments ofhell, notas an evil! he {hall fall into, but whichhe (hall efcape by theconftant Rudy andpraftife ofholineffe. Forour af- furance toefcape damnation, through thedeathofChri(t, is no greater then our care to avoid fin, which Ieadeth thereunto. Warfee oastyourfalvation withfeare andtrem- blisg. Feare not them which k¡a theboìy,but are not able to ,kill theJoule but rather feare him which is able todeflroy bothfoaleandbody inhell. Thirdly, It ftirrethup continuall watchfulneffe to fhun whatfoever mightbreed danger,or procure Gods difplea. fore. When (leepineffe beginneth to come uponus, faith joggethour elbow, and telleth the Lord is athandwitha whip toawakenus. The approachofperill apprehended will rowfeup the(laggard to looke abouthim. Faith alfo teacheth fo to acknowledge the angerofGod, as that it draweth the heart above al things to takeheed not topro- vokehimby carelefnefe fecurity.who lenoweth thepow- erofthy anger ? evenaccording to thyfeare,fois thywrath. Fourthly, The threatnings, mingled with faith, caufe forrowfull melting or relenting ofheart for fin commit- ted.When the King oflltineveh believed the preachingof Jonah,1