forthem to believethe threatniogs. 425 Ionah,that within fortydaies that great City fhouldbede- Ionac.;.6,ß,s. flroyed;he role fromhis throne, put onfickcloth,and pro- claimeda Fat}unto-the:Lord:And when the Lord teflified his difpleafure againil the Ifraeiites by fending thunder and lightning in Whate Harve[l, allthe peoplefeared greatly, andfaidrar tc,Samuel, `Frailer thy fervantrasnto i Sam,i=GIs, the Lard thy, God, that, we dienot; for wehave added:woad' i9 ourfans,thrsevill, tom e-aor as King. Now the threatnings ludg. z.3,4 believed,work the famecffec`},that the judgements ieehe, When Iofsahhear-dwhat.the Lord fpakcagainf}lerfefatem, and againf} the inhabitants of that place, hip heart was z Eing.zz;zs, tender, andiehumbledhiànfeffe4eforetheLora ' a9. ,whenwe feebyfaith tfoinwhatrtiiferïeswe are s deliveredofthef ree graceand .mercyof God,- oat hearts are enlarged in praifeandthankfgivìng' It dif}refle faith powrethout fupplications;whenthe calamityisover-pall itfetteth forth the-goodnefl'e ofthe Lord, and fingethof his glory. When the .Ifraelitits were in faifeiy on the Exod,i%.ias, fhoare, looking backe upon :the danger'efcaped, when theypaífed.through the redSea, they makea joyful' ncife to the God of their fatvation their fongsareanfwerable to their fore-conceived feare. And fo when the Lord pfal. 126,2. brought.back_thecaptivityofBabylon,their mot theswere filledwith laughter,and their tongues withjoy, thesduë confideration of-our deferts, manifett by the thrè ehings contained in theWord ofGod, doth marvelloutlyäffea the heart withdéfire to publifh and fpread abroad the lo- ving:kindneífeofthe.Lord,when byfaith in-Chril}wefee our felves tobe letfree from thedreadful' arks ofthe Law, and mercifullyfaved'from the righteousjudgement ofour finnes. By this whichhath beene faid , it is manife[},that this lifeoffaith is molt excellent andcomfortable;andby good proofe andexperience We fhouldbe =ableIdfay 'fo, ifwc wouldbeperfwaded, but to take atalk ofthe beneftand fweetneffethat it bringeth. Foi by this faithwetare di= retied to fecke and follow after Chrit},tiil we cdttieto be F f affured, Ì