q.a6 ?hefdithfuüarebound,andit is behovefull aphcf.3.17. ¡fared, that hedwelleth inus as the f,untaine of life, and . Cor.5.19. that in biro we aredelivered from the guilt & punifh&nent ofail our tins : whereas others,who live not by it,waver, arc oft diftrafed, andknownot where to begin the four. dation ofthat great worke,nor howto build thereon. By 1 this faith we may come to found re[t and holy fecurity about our falvationfrô time to tirne,enjoying the comfort of it [till more and more with incredible joy whereas others,even the beft,areoft unfetledand muchdifquieted. Iftbe Lord leade us into the darke, andexercif us with manifold affliniotas and temptations, by this faith we are enabled to holdhiarby the hand, to ca[t our (elves upon the promifes ofgrace,& fo relying uponhis power,faith- fulneffe and mcrcy,to protnife fafetyuntoour felvesabove likeli-hood and appearance ; yea, whenwe feele thecon. trary.The rageoffin is weakened,andwehave [trengrh a- gainft it, though not alwaies to prevaile (which were not expedient) yet at leaft tobe incombatewith it, which is ever a good te[timony ofour fafèty:for hereby we prove our felves to be lively members of the Church Militant. Alfa by this wearcpreferved againft fearefull fins, &have raceto walkein newneffe of life,and all parts of it with joyand chearfulnefïe. If.we:liveby faithwe havedelive- rance frommany fharpc andbitter afflictions ; . andbeare thofe,whichwe rnuft go under,morc meekly andpatient- ly becaufe it makes us depend upon Gods promifes, not (tinting him toany fet'timeeninerofdeliverance,or mea- lureorafflidtion. By it we walk in our callings more-cheat. fully,honeltly,painefxlly andwith leffediftrac`tion,toile, Pfal.127.!? andvexation, but withmore profit, then they that flow in withwealth, aad have all fhifts & cunning flight to gaine by.For whileswe feeGod ever going beforeus in ali our earthlydealings andanions (as we.fhouldmore looke to i it,that we find it fo,then to our greatelt profits &weigltti- eft dealings) this faith!hall uphold us in thequieterell= and moll (weer peace, fuçhas all the carnall wifedome of man (hall neverfxudc nor enjoy. This faith tcachethas to prat