for thers,to believethe threittnings. 427 pray at all times as our necetlìties require, with fetvency and confidence; even in the depth ofaffliiotìs,when the grave is ready to fwollow us up,andPhut her mouthupon Pf , 69,13,14 . Lord, and withbong ar- umet is to implorehis aid. O LordGodofmyfalvation, I us,it enableth to looke unto the [,,,ti3 have stiedday and night before thee, fot my foule isfull of troubles,and any life draweth nighunto thegrave. Out of Pú1.130. :, s, the depths have Icriedunto thee, OLord : Lordheave my voice.My j#irit within me is over-whelmed,my heart within me isdefolate. iretchforthmy hands unto thee, my Tonle Pr 1-1-143 4,6 thirflethfor thee as a thirfy land.O remember not aping tee Pfal7 .8. former iniquities, let thy tender merciesJj eedilyprevent ue : for weare brought very low. galeaffliction bevery grie- vous & of long continuance,faithdoth neither quailc,nor ceafe to'feekehelpc;but lookethupto the Lord,expeFting falvation indue time to be revealed. O goel, why haft .thou Pfa1.74 t,z call us offfor ever ? why doth thine angerfmoakeagaing the JF.eepe ofthypa4ure?Remember thy ('ongregation,whieb thou ,124 purchafedofold,the rodofthine inheritance,which thou haft redeemed.' ampooreand forrowfs/l,let thyfalvation,0 Pí.,1.6, 29. * 1'ía1.68. Cod, let me up onhigh ; for * God is the flrength of his * vac.:z, t. people, * who willbring themagaine from the depths of the Sea. The life offaith fhall end in joy and comfort. He that truReth in the Lord (hall rejoyce in his holyName. I am awonder unto many,but thouaremyfirang refuge,Let my mouthbefilled with thypraife,andwith thy honour all the day, OurheartJhall rejoyce in him, becaufewe have trufledinhù PfaI.33.21. holy Name. Loe,tbis it our God,we haveWaitedfor him,and Efay'i hewillfavesu:thisùtheLord,wehav `? . ifedforhim,wewil Pf1,8e 9. beglad,andrejoyce in his.Jalvat`n Thee tpeiationofthem &.69.3x that hope in theLord, (hall not be fruftrated, therefore they íhall rejoyce inhim, and found forth his praifès. Hee that bath learned to live by faith, (hall alfo die in faith,.211there died inor accordingto thefaith.Ifweknow how to walke withGod by faith, as Henochdid, all the Heb.11.13. dales ofour life,amidit the manifold temptations &chan- gesthat we meet withall in this world ; we lhall the bet- pfa ter