An Alphabeticall "Table. i dition then that of Adam in in- 411&iiions, M I nocency, pa.z66. The promiCe ofadoption and e- rtJflittionsare not moreordina- ternall inheritance is freely offe- rie then burdenfome and heavy to red, and freely given to them that be borne, par. z,ca.7,pa, 3 t a. bec moft unworthy in their owne Outward afffilfiens often occa cycs,pag 2,63, to them that were fions of' grievous temptations, fervants oftinne,flaves toSathan, pi. i, ca. I z,pa, i 83, par. z,ca.7,pa. children of wrath, pa.z64,z7o to 317. fuch as are moll contemptible in Our frailtie in bearing AffliEti- tlte world, pa,z68. onsfhewes what need we have to Believers may knowand be af- be ftrengthened and incouraged, lured of their evvne adoption, pa. that they hinder us not in our 236,t ç 7. Chriflian courfe, pa.3 t a,; az. Every Believer is notaffured of Great 46:iEliens , of diverfe his adoption, nor cloth any in this lcinds,oflong continuaoce,are no life enjoy perfect afíurance with- more then neceffary to expell our out doubtings, pa.%i 7. See cer. corruptions, par z, ca.7, pa,336, taintyorafììarance ofSalvation. 337,324 Wanes to ftirre up faith inaC Satan and wicked mencannot fitrance of the priviledges of the fet the time, or meafure the quan- adopted,pa.z6s,t6z,i63i&c. titieoffuchutíferies,whcrofthey areinftruments to the godly, pa. Affiance. íz3,338. Faith put for Afance ofHeart The godly themfelves arenot embracing the Word as good, par. to appoint the time ormeafure of 1,c.i,pa.3.& c.lo,pa.137. their claaftifements a, 8. A(zance how dilinquifhed, Gods hand muff bee actin w- ibid. ledged in all our afflitlions vvhofo- Jultifying faith is anaffiance or ever bee the infiniment, pa. ;to, confidence, par. a, cap.3, paga4i a; 8. This is aground ofHumi- z8. liation, pa. 3 zo. & 3 t t. ofpan Faith is an obfequious affiance, tierce, pa.3 zo. & 321, 3 z$, &c. par. t, cap.3, pag, 31, par.z, cap.9. ofprofit and comfort by that wee pag 371,& cap ao,pag.397. lufier, pa.3zo,31i,3az, &c. 338, Affiance molt bee well rooted 339. and kindly planted, par.!, cap.3. Apillions ,though bitter forthe Pag34, & cap 4, pag.49. & cap 8, prefenr,aremeanes to doe usgood pag. t o i. found and permanent, many daiesafter, pa, 3 24. par. 1., cap. ;, pag. ; q. Affiffians in themfelves are Over- ruling,pag.3 S. & cap .ao hurtf=ul, but they are changed in pa. t 39. and by Chrifl, and g made fervicea- Signes of lively, found, well- bic fur our good, pa.324,3L. rooted aiance,where there is but The Lord our moft.mercifull (mall afhurance offalvation , par. and loving Father, hath plenti- a,c.a.1 o,pa. i4,5. fully fgnifed,that he will tonne= his