Ass fllphAborkaa 2'able, . hischildren for their good , and The aas of faith in refpeaof gracioufly promifed that hee will the promifes offupport and com- bewith them in,and:deliver them fort in a lit7ion, p. 3 ao,3z a,&e. out oftheir adverfities, pa. 242, Wee muff live by faith in the 313,31 heavieft and longeft afjii Lions. pa. God correfìeth in great wife- 335,316. dome, pa.31z,32,3,3z4,i38. in Infuchfaith is moft exercifed, meafure, pa. 312, z58, 323,334, pa.; 36. 338, for a moment, pa 3 r 2,3 r 3. In fítsh there is moll need of in love and tenderneffe, pa. 3 r 3, faith, becaufe then Satan is moft 323,325. to prove them, pa.313 brfie to tetnpt,ibid. to purge and refine them, pa.3 13, God Both love tenderly, when 314,3 23. to confirme grace, pa. hee doth correa fevetely, par. s, 324,323. and toCave them at the ca.hz,paw183'. end,pa,354, The Lords chatlifements are God correets his children that hut purgative medicines to pre- they might know themfelves, vent or cure fume fpirituall theirfrailties and graces, pa.3 a;, eafe,ibid. 3a 5.mofl perfefìly underflanding Our conformitiewith Chriftian that: need, their ftrength, and the ¢íjltaion , and his partner.fhip working ofhis owne,poti®n, pa. with us therein, fltould make us t3,324,;28. vv.11ing to beard them, par 2, ca. God bath promifed to deliver 7,pa3z6. his children out ofurouble,pa.3 r4, Faith in God is the onely flay 3 25,3z6. Is tender over them in and fupport of the heart in trou. trouble, pa 314,3 t 5. and prefent ble and affliction , fpecially that for their helpe, pa.315. which is moll burdenfome,p.316, It is neceflary to learne to live Faith turneth crof es into ad.. by faith touching there promifes vantages,par.z,ca I o,pa.3 95. in time ofafjlut ion,p.316,;17,&c. Faith raifeth the heart to ex- .ffliaions profit not where pea profit and comfort by every faith is wanting, pa.; r a.. afflifiien,and thegreatefl comfort The godly are allowed to live and profit by the grcateflalffiefian, byfaith in affliaionr,pa,s 18,31p, par. z, ca, 7, pa.3z7, 33o, 3; t, &c. 340,341. Faith fweetens affligions, fup- The alts of faith in time of porteth under then, teacheth to greaten afflifiioes ,p,336.;57,&c. profit by them,&c. par.1, ca. to, How it comes topaffethat in pa. 133, par. z, ca. a,.pa. t 96. & ca. afflíEfions faithfeemes tobec moft 4, pa. z52,z58.& ca.Io, pa, 394, weake,and corruption moit{tie. 395, ring, pa.34t,142,343 Inwardly climes the heart,par. Helges to lucre upfaith indeep 2, ca.4, pa.z6 s. & ca.5, pa. z8 o. affligions, when all meanes faile, and affures of helpe in trouble, pa.343i344,&c. triumphing before the vi&ory, Faith fetteng before us the in- par.z, ca.7i pa.3 3 5. finite recompen eofreward, ma- rf4 keth