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rt Rrf Alpha6eticall T'able, keth our átf1tljons feeme light and mdmentanie , pag. 3 a6, 3Z7. By faith the godly heart is drawne to ufe all lawful) meanes of helpe in diftrcfiè, but refleth on Gods promifes, not on the probabilitie of the. thing pro. mired, pag.; 3 t.& cap. r,pag.zar, 20z. The dependance on the promi- fes is abfolute, without limitation oftime, meafure of affliction, or manner of deliverance, and that when all manes faile, yea agziníh all things that may feeme to op- pefe, pag.; 31,3;2. For fuppart in this cafe faith tiarneth it felfe to meditate on Gods truth, power,wifdome,ten- der compaflions ; his ufuall man- ner ofdealing ; and our owne ex- perience : And diredls us to ac- cure and checke ourfclves for our unbeliefe, and to incite and call uponour routes more confidently towait arid trun upon the Lord,. Pte. 332,333,344345 4lstigbty p.tver. The almighty power of God often dlledgeth to confirme the weatte and wavering heart, par.r, cap.6,pag.73. The teftinsonies ofGods.paw- er, mercy and truth arc fie often repeated. in Scripture, that wee night have them ever before us, to uphold us again() "our deub- tings and fares, parr, eap.zr. pag.r54. ttt. Faith put for affent without confidence, par. t,cap. s,pag.3, There is adouble affent, one frone reafon, the other from au- thority,pag, r 6. "unifying faith is anaim, pag. 26,z8,i9. The ajnt which faith gives to the word is abfolute and unlimi- ted, pag.17,2 1. Faith is a firmeVint,, & cap.s,pag.6o. How faith is an evident affent, pagaa . . Faith is in tome fort anaunt difcurfive, pag.a3. In living by faith one ael isto agent unto thewholeword, par. a,cap.z,pag.zoz. Affent unto the articles of Chrillian faith as true and good, whiles confidercd only in them- felves, without oppofitionoffuch matters as bee much valued, is (hallow and unfound, . pars,cap. 4,pag.ç.'. Beptifine. .Aptifne is aScale ofthe Cove- nant betwixtGod and us, par. t,cap z r, pag.41o. Baptifine is aPeale ofour rege aeration, pag.4z 1s and pardon of our finnes,ibid. It is a pledge of the vernie of Cltriílsdeath, and oarfellowfhip therein,ibid. Ofthe vertueofChrifls refur- reElion,and our communion with hire therein,ibid. Of our adoptionin Chrift, pag. 412. Of ourcommunion with all the Iively members of Chrift Jefiis, ibid,