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AnAlphabotica/l Table. ibid. and that God will provide for as in tisis Iife, rail: up our bo- diesunto life at the dayof judge- ment, and bellow uponus that e- verlafling Kinndome which hee bath prepared, pag.412,413,414. Baptifine allo is a fpurre tore- pentance and mortification, pag. 414. a provocation unto faith, anda pledge thereof, pag.4i 5. an incitement unto new obedience, and a pledge thereof, ibid. A pledge and pawne oflove and u- nity, pag416. By fingular appropriation it reprefenteth and confirnaeth our engrafting into Chrift, pag.411. For figntfication,force, ufe and fruit it continueth the whole courfe ofa mans life, pag.4 r o. By faith weare to make ufe of Baptifine all the dayes of our life, pag. 410. How Parents fhould in faith prefent their childrenunto Bap- tifine, pag407,408. Believe &Believer. Faith putfor Beliefe, par. t,cap. r, pag.3. Believe Ged,andBelieve inGod, what the phrafes import, par. I. cap. I,pag4, 5. &cap.4ipag'49. Believe in doch fometimes im- port nomore but Believe, par. 1, cap.I, pag.5. & cap. 9, pig. I28, I29. Beliefe in the underflanding is the foundation of confidence in the heart, peg. ç. Beliefe is grounded upon the au- thority ofthe fpeaker, but may be Inflained and ftrengttened by o- ther motives and inducements, pag. 9. To believe, is so truft in the Word of God as Cure and liable, 24. Truft expoundedby beliefe,pa. 26. Tobelieve, is to icane upon,or fticke,or adhere unto,pag. 25,27. To believe on Chrift is to re- ceivehim,pag.27.goe or come un- tohim,ibid. Tobelieve theMeflias, is not onely to know, but to havean af- fiance in him, pag.28. To believe, is notonely to give credence to what the Scripture faith,but to embracewhat is laid with intire adherence of foule, pag.3 a. TobelieveChrift dead & rifen, is notbarely tobelieve thehiftory ofhis death, but the fruits and be- nefits thereof, and that with affi- ancc,par.i,cap.6,pag.7 Ç. Beliefe inthe richmercy of God frameth the ImageofGod in our hearts, and imprinteth the vertues. ofChrifts death upon the fouler par, s,cap.6,pag.7 8. Beliefe in Chrift is abfolutely necelfary to remifïionof finnes in all them that bee ofage and dif cretion, parr, cap.8,pag.96. & par.!, cap,1O,pag.i4o. They believe not unto righte- oufneffe who torne their gifts to the fervice of their lofts, par. t, p 4, pag48 Such as trulybelieve may know they believe, par. *_, cap.8, pag,99. rei,ao8, Many that believe, cannot cer- tainlyaffirme that they dobelieve, par.', cap3, pag I8.& cap.7,pag. 84. Encouragements to believe,par. I,cap. i a,pag. r 51. We