An i4lp;ádetieall Table. The godly areallowed to live by faith touching thefe temporal/ promifes, pag: 3 5 z. The relation which is betwixt Calling. God and his people fhoulden- courage them to tell upon him IT is the ordinance of God that for earthly good things, pag.3 S4, men fhould Iaboure in fomeho- This gift the Lordgives to the neft ciallinn,par. z,cap ie,pag,18a. manwhom bee Both approve, to God bath promifed toprote& gather and ufe earthly blefi4gt and bieffe them that doe the with delight and comfort, fothat workes of their calling with dili- his (fate is comfortable, though gence,ibid. his reve newtsbe finall,pag.;5 5. Our callingmuff be honeft,rlrat Thepatient expectationofthe is, fervïceah r le to Church, Con Saints bath confirmed this, that mon wealth, or private familie, Godwill notbee wanting tohis Pa gE3falt doe not quicken, feafon xhiidren in things of this lifer q , /bid, and guide the workes of our cat- Faith receiveth the free and lirg, they are dead and carnall as gracious promifes ofGod concer.. they come from us,ibid. ping the blefngsof this life, par. Thefoveraigne remedy agsinft ca:5.pag 63 the evils which we are aptto run Beliefe in thefe promifes bring..-, into in the laboursof our calling, eth forth contentment, incoura- is a lively faith,pag,3 88. gala to diligence, quickeneth in Faith laboureth confeionahly adverlities,&c.ibid, in the duties of an honeftcalling, By faith the temporal/ gifts of yet without covetoufnefl'e or d:- God are fweetned and fanetiled itta&ingcare, par.!. cap. so. pag.` untous,par.r,cap.!o,pag.i3a, & I34,par.a,cap,8",pag 357. par. a,cap.8,pag,; S z The acts of faith in refpe&of It receiveth earthlyblefngsas our calling, and the duties be- pledges of Gods fpeciall favour, longing thereunto, pag389,39o. and lifteth them up to fpirituall &c. ore, pag.533. &psr.z,cap;8,pag How wee may li ve by faith 363. touching the good fuccefíe ofthat It preferveth from the ufe of worke whereunto wee are called, unlawfullmeanes, pir.z, cap.8, which we find to be much above rag.; 56- our ftrength or mtanes, par.z,ca, Htw the heart is afeeted upon- r o pa. 396. loch like confiderations',ibid. Diligence and chearfialneffe in The as of faith in refpe& of the duties ofour honeft calling, is temporall promifes and blefltngs, a meaner fantified of God, to par.a,c.8,pag.355,356,357, &e. procure freedome from Satan& temptations, par.a, ca 6, pa.zç7,' 298,308. C Care