An AlphabeticalTabk, Phyficall and of qualities, or Mo. Care. tall and of !late and condition, par. r,cap.7ipag.89. Exeefíiae care about earthly Faith mindethusofour change, things is an effea ofunbeliefe,pa, even when our mouataine fee. z,cap. t,pag.ao4,2o5. meth ftrongeft, par.a, cap.8, pag. Faith in thepromifes ofearthly 36z. things doth kill covetous defires, It doth forefee changes and pre. diftruftfull and diftraéìing cares, pare for them,ibid. par z,cap. 8,pag. 35 o. Faith in the promifes ofever. Cbri /1. lifting life doth eftablifla the heart againft ell worldly cares Faith is the workeof ,God the andfeares,par.z,cap.4ipag.zss,& Father in Jelin Cbrif,parr,cap.a 267. pag.8. Faith in God in time cf di- Chrift is both a Lord andSavi- krefle expehs vexations and di- our,par. r,cap.;,pag.33 ftrat`ting cares, par.!, cap.7, pag. Chrifi is the founraine of the 321. water oflife, par. r, cap. 4, tag. Certainty. 41. Chrift is the life of-the foule, There is a twofold certaiptie,In par,z,cap. r,pag.t95. fenfeand in event, par. r, cap.7. Pardon of finne is proclaimed pagSz. to miferable finners in and Things are to us according as throughChrift, par.z, cap. z, pag. we conceive them, which is not z t , ever anfwerable to the evidence Faith goesdireâlytoChriftfor of the thing in it fenfe, or to the pardon, wee being in our felves certainty in regard of the event, fnfull and accurfed.pag.zit. pag. 8;. Chrift is the thing wbichfaith" Things believed are in them- embraceth to . falvation, and felves more certaine then things whom it Both lookeunto and re- feene, but not apprehended by fpeet, asit dothmake us righteous with fuch certaintie andaffurance, in the fight ofGod, par. r, cap.6, par. r,cap8,pag.rro. pag. 74, 75. & cap. rtt,pag.r67i Conclnfions Theologicall are par.z,cap.z,pag.zrg. in themfelves as certaine,as are the Chrift is the full and adequate principles upon which they are object of beliefe as it juftifieth, grounded, but alwayes they are par. r,cap pag. 59. not fo infallible to our underltan. Chrift is the object offaith, not ding and confcience, par. r,cap g, abltraâly or nakedlycontidered, pag 93, r to: but Chrift with his benefits, par. s,cap.6,pag 71. InChrift Gods wrath ispacified towards us, par. a,cap. z,pag.z; 4, Gods givingCirri ft is an incou- ragement Change. There is a twofold éhange ;