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------° An Alpfi,abétit"afl Table. ragenaent to believe , pag. 234. God is pleafed to trie us,pag.327. a39- 330, 01. drift is madeunto us of God God and Chrift is theonclq ob- vvifedome and fanfification, af- jeftof true ,confidence and troll, well as righteoufneire and re- par. r, cap. 9. pag. 127. demption, par. a. cap 3. pag 2 3 8. Godhaving given Chriff tous, The confideration of which will deny usnothing that may be Should quicken to believe the for our good, par. z, cap. 8. pag. promife of fanftification, pag. 35z. 3 53. 248. Chrift never teje&ed any that Chrift as he is a juflifier ofus calìring to be confirmed, weaken fi, from the guilt ofGrne,and a fan- &fler of us from the power of cap. t 2. pag. 268. finne, is the wedding, garment, par, s. cap. 4. pag. 5 a. Faith as the pipe 'conveyes grace from Chit/ the' fountains into the foule, par. 2. cap. 3. pag. 243. 244. 247. They that would be enriched with grace , orpreTevere therein., muflbe knit to Cbrift by faith, rag. 244.82 cap. 5: pag. z86. See Grace. Chrift bath purchafed for us life everlafling no lefi'e then righte- oufneffe, par. 2. cap. 4. pag. 249. The confideration of which should quickan''to believe the promife of life. pag. , Chrift bath praid for hispeople that their faith fhould not falle, par. z. cap. 5. pag. 276. a80. drift hath praid for perfeve- rance againftfeparating evils, par. I. cap. r a. pag. 18o. Chrift is the rock intowhich-we muff yvorke our felves by faith, that no weight of affli&ion may overwhelme us, par. 2. cap. 7. pag. 329,330. TMt fpirit of vvifdomei and counfell,off'lrength and couragr, was powred into Chrift, ofwhich we partakingby faith, are inabled to beare that bell, with which Church. The authority of the Church cannot be 'the ground of 'faith,. par. r. cap. 9. pag. 123. '. TheChurch is fubjedl to etrour, neither hath it any truth imme- diately or by divine infpirations ibid. The authotityóf the Church-is a thing create, ibid. Whatfoevcr credit- the Church hath, it receiveth the fame from the Scriptures, pag. 124. The authority Of the Popes whom theytall theCheck virtu- ; is the-firlhgrónnd and lafl folution of the Romanifis faith,'¡ -pag. s25.'226. a It is impoffible the Churches in- 'fallible propofall Should bee the reafon of a Romane Catholikks beliefe of Scriptures, nnleffe it were the primary obleû of hid beliefe, pag. 227. Cómbate. The fervants of Chrill are all fouldiers , and have continual' warrewith Satan., par. 2.. cap. 6. pag. 290. We