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1 AnAlphabet%calcable. Wee arc welke and feeble to Oftentimes God caufeth his Withffand our fpirituall enemies children to feeke long before potent and vigilant to 2134' par: they find cemfort,tl id. t,cap: f, pag: 577, & cap: 3, pag; It is Gods works to give com- fort, it is our duty to Waite for it in the wayofobedience,ibid. Comfort: when they come are ufually proportioned to the mea- fare of tribulation, and multitude offervent prayers powred out be. fore the Lord, pag:18o, &par:z. cap'7,pag ° 340,34 r. 24e. Bee the combate never tohot, faithwill not yeeld tocorruption, par:a, cap.6, pag :29 t. Faith is the shield of the Collie to defend it againff all the fiery darts ofthe Divell, pag: t93,z9 .. & cap:7,pag: 317 God halt given his fervants many encouragements to fight Gbmmandetxentt. valiantly, and made them many promifes offirength and vidory, Whatfoever the Cervants of ,pag:z9o,z9r. God did upon common grounds The craft ofSatan is great to and reafons, pertaining tousno deceive,his power great to moleff, lefTe then unto them ; that duty but ifwe be valiant in the Lord, belongeth unto us afwell as unto we íhall get the viftory, pag: z9r, thein,and their example is for our 59z ímitation,par:z,cap_ r,pag:sco. To doubtand fears becaufewe, Speciall commandements gives are exercifedinfpiritua llcomfater, by priviledge to tome peculiar is to lay afide our harneffe be- perlons, belong not unto them, cure we are called forth to bat- who have received no fuch war- tell,paga92. rant s but if the immediate Faith is the firff thing that is `ground be common, the duty ie formed in aGhriffian,wherevvith fclfc reachethunto us,ibid. God furnifhethhimwhen he cals The frecepts of fanâity and him forth to the encounter, pag: holineffe bind the confcience to z93 obeyGod, as well as tie promifes God calleth not forth his fer- bind to truftin God, par:Leap: f. vanes to the confiet, untill ÿhee pag:66,par :a,cap:9,pag :37 I. have enabled them to make re- Thecommandements of Godare liftance,par:s,cap.6,pag :304. laid before believers, not as the See 2"emptationr. caste for obtaining eternall life, but as the way to walke inunto Comfort. eternall life, afibucd untd us by the free promife and gift ofGod, Faith may be.ffrong whenwee par:t,cap: S,pag;r 1 z. haveno fenfeor feeling of mercy Faith uniterh the heart tothe orcoutfert, par: r,cap: s a,pag; r77, promifes, and glueth itfail to the Sometimes the godly walke commandementr, par:t,cap:;,pag: without eonefórt, becaufe they put 31,32,; 3. pats, cap: r, pag. r96, it ftom themfelves,pag:179. 197.& cap:s,pZz7.& c:4ip 254. Fa. th