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An fllphabetkall ?'a8le. Faith cíeaveth unto the com- all his benefits,par:t,cap:ro,psg: mandements as jui3, equall, honcPc 146.&capa =,pag:s67. andgood,in all th ngs, andat all The increafe of faith makes times to bec obeyed, par; t,cap. f, our communion avid) atilt more pag,c6,67, Tweet and comfortable, pag:148. To the leadingof aChriflian life, it is neceffary, that by faith Confeffiox offaftb. we adhere andRiekefall unto the Commandements, par.a,c p;t,pag: Faith (if firme):bringeth forth 370 confefon,par:l , cap :4i pag:p 1. Want ofbelieving the precepts Faith, which bringethforth fin- is the caufe why many are kept eere confeOon is coupled with under ofinordinate paillons, pag, love, but confeffion it (elfe is an effeaoffaith,ibid. It is necelfary a Chriflian Faithput for unfainedprofefon Ihould reft upon God for abilitie offaith,par, s, cap.1,pag: 3. to doe what he requireth, pag: 372473. and that licewill accept Confef nofPinne. their willing (though weake) fer- vice, pag5373,374. See obedience. Confefon offinne is reuilheto the obtaining of pardon by faith, ComtningtoChrit, par: :,capa, pag: zt6,z;;. How the confeffion ofthe true Coming to chrifi is a fpirituall believer differs from the tempora- motion of the heart and affedi- rie, pag: z t6,ß17. ons towards Chri I, par: t.eap:3. The promifcs made tohim.that pag.z8. truly confqf eib his fnner,pag:1t7 The receiving of Chriff is not h Sinne, and imferabic at onely acomprehenfion of theun- and reaLbnled mat wee be- derftanding, butan embracing of deewe romtha of Iumay may heart and afleftions, pars t, on,parta.,cap:z,pag:z16,2,33. Of cap: 3, pag: 27. Wee put oncbrifi' wbcnbyas Sanftification, cap: 3 P3° 341, affianced knowledge and conic- 245. OfAdoption and tie 6r quent affc tions wee come more laftingInheritance,ca.4,p g: , and more to bee unitedwith him, 263. Of Perfeverance, cap.5.pag. para t, cap: pag: sz a8:7 3.113. The firmer, which let open the Companion mirk Chrift: foule to temptation, mull becon- feffed,par:1,cap:t z.pag; 171,173. By faith wee are maried unto &c.par: z,cap:6,pag.3o4íz o í, Chrift, and have communionwith In afïhEtion and diltrefla wee him inthe death andrefurredion, enfe first virhharrd pars 1, cap:re:Rag:132. and godly , p' A true believer, though never paga 344. fovveake;dothpoffeffeCbrifîwith Whcnfoever faith cornes c