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An 111phabeticRXTable. receive the Peale ofpardon , it is ever fearefull, caufeth unquiet. pleadsgutitie, par.z. cap. r i.pag. nefleand impatience in afflic tion, 417. par.z.cap. 7,pag.3 z 2. Confidence. The kinds of Confidence, par.r. cap.* .pag.4. Faith feeth riches inGod, Pub. Subilance put for Confidence, mitteth to his wifdome,refteth in par.t.cap.3,pag.29. his love,' and fo maintaincs a Confidence as it cloth, embrace Chrifti n infane meafure often. Chriit with cettaine affiance, is tent?new, pat ..cap.8.pag.358.& the forme of faith; as it beget., 95, teth confidence of liberty, it is an To live by faith in the abon- effeet offaith,pag.3o. dance of all things, makes way 4onfidence in God doth the for patience, rontentedneffe, and snorebind andoblige him (as it found peace in-the depth of mile- were) todoeus good, and to deli- rie,pag.360. ver us from evil!, par. z.cap.7. ag. 31o.To thowre his blefngsplcn- Covenant. tifully uponus,cap, 8.pag, 3 5 , The faithfull have promifed TheCovenant whichGod hath themfelves helpe, and confidently made withhis people, is an ever- begged a ci,becaúfe they trufted in laftingCovenant,par a.cap, 5 pag. the Lord,pag, ;tq.3so, 272.273. Confidence is oppofed to doubt.. The Covenant ofGod made in ingand diftruft, para. cap.3, pag. Clarifia fhould encourage to be. 3 t. i lieue the promife of pardon, par. Confidence in -the fiefs is an'ef- z.cap z.pàg.z34- feet ofunbelicfe, par.z.cap.i.pag. Saiftification is promifed in 2.03.204, the covenant ofgrace,par,acap.3. They are accurfedwho traft in pages 8. Man,par, r cap.g.pag. s a7. 1erfeverance is promifed in the Faith in God in time of di- covenantofgrace,par.z.cap.5.pag. ftreffe draye the heart from car- 272.a 7 ;.:8.q.age. nail reptile in rv;eanes and friends, To the childrenofGodearthly and eflrangeth from- the ufe of bleffings aregifcs of the covenant, unlawful! meanes ofhelpe, par, z. part oftheir childs portion,and fo cap.7,pag.;21.329. received by faith, par. z, cap. 4, Hewill never renounce carnali pag.z6o.& cap.8 pag,363. fupportr that makes-not God the In the Covenant ofgrace God gay of his foule for. outward giveth what he-requirctla, par. z. things,par.z,cap.8.pag,35 z. cap,q, rag.z,3g:& cap9 pag.368. 369. Conffence. Thecondition ofthe covenant is promifedin thecovenant it felfe, Guileineff ofConfience,vvhich cap.4.pag,273. Ir Contentation ,