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13u lllphabetieall?'aók. It is notthe caufe of fulfilling the promife.pag. 275. The externall betrothing by Covenant may be broken, but not the internal'. pag. 273. 274. The benefits promifed in the Covenant being capared amongit themfelves , one is as it were a condition to another, but they be all elfe&s in refpeft of the grace and free favour of God, promi- fing them in covenant , and cer- tainely conferring them upon whom he will pag. 273. Courage. Chrffluans being fpirituallfoul - diets mutt put on Courage. par. z. cap. 6. pag. 293. Cowardice doth encourage Sa tan, courage daunts him. pag.293 297. 298. . Nocouragewithout faith. ibid. & cap. 7. pag. 3 r6. Faith maketh couragieu and hardy in the profeflion of the Gofpell, even to the loffé ofgoods and liberty. par. i. cap. to. pag. s 34. It putsintous courage and con- Raney to fight againft the firongefl tufts, and let upon the praEtice ofthe moll difficult du- ties. par. 2. cap. 9. pag. 382. It encouragetb to the mat diffi- cult, painefull, and(in the worlds efteeme) diCgracefall workes of our calling par. z. ca, so.pag.39 r. 391. 399. The DeviII will renewhis af- faults againftus, andwe muff re- new our courage and ftrength a- gainft him, pag. 295.300. D. Earthly Velighte. THe abufe of Earthly delights many wayes hurtful par. s. cap. 8.pag. 366. Deliverance. God hathpromifed to hischil- dren deliverance out of trouble. par. a. cap. 7. pag 3 r 4. Faith after ferious humiliation of the foule, bringeth tidings that Godwin fend helpe and delive- rance in fittefl feafon,p 325.326. God ufnally granteth delive- rancewhen the afl3ifeions of his fervants bee increafed, and fends helpewhen to fenfc and reafon it is furtheft,off. pag. 33 2.33;. Godspromifing deliverance pro- pounds the depthof mifery as an argument to move his people to believe his promife, pag. 334. The people ofGod prayingfor deliverance, propound the depth ofmifery as an argument to move the Lord to heare their prayer. pag335, Faith believeth one contrary in another, and out of deepeft di- ftreffes gathers affurance of fwee- teft deliverances,pag, 3.3 3. 334. ?7efire. Refire is either of want or complacency, par. 2. cap. 4. pag: 275 All holy defires kindled by faith. par. s. cap. a. pag. 2.14. Todefire and long after for- giveneffè anaet offaith, ibid. G g This