AnAlphaáeticall Table.. This define arifeth from the ne- temptation to doe his children cefityand excellency of forgive- good, ibid. neffe, pag. a14, 21 5. It is, not a dead 'or fluggifh Difirine. with, but adeliberate def:re,atten- ded with aproportionablecare to All Chriflians should acquaint get the thing defired, 5,216, themfelves with the dollirine of Earneft delre of more grace is faith, par. s, ca: i, pa: r. not taken away, but increafed by The famine of dotirine, to be the participationof grace, par. z, believed to falvation, is explaned ca: 4, pag. 275. in the Creed : but the doctrine of Faith in receiving the Lords faith is one thing, the private aft Supper clothfltarpen fpirittaall ap- of the heart,relymg upon the pro- petire, and lkirrsup hungring and mites ofmercy, another, par: a, thirsting after Chrdt and his be- cap: 6, pa: 77. nefits,par.a,ca:ar ;pag./ay. Whatdoftrinerare called mat- In temptation the godly are tersoffaith, par. r,ea:5,pa:58. oft deceived touching their de- In a large acceptation,all truth fireofgrace, par, t. ca: a a, pag: revealed by. God in hit Word, 187, is a matter of faith : ftriilly and properly,,they are called matters Diffidence or IVrug" offatth,vvhich pertaine to thena- titreand effenceoffaith, ibid. Diffidence in Gods power,mer- cy, goodnefle, truth and provi- dence is to be abandoned, par: 1. Doubting. ca: ta,rag z8 a. Doubting may fometimes ac- Thehope of preCervation flay.. company fume alient,par. r, ca.3, ing upon our owne flrength,. is pa. 20, felfe-confidence, and the feareof Faith is oft mixed with doubt- falling away arifing from the ing through ourinfirmity, ibid.& fenfe of weakeneffe is diffidence in ca, 6, pa. 8z. God, ibid. Faith cloth fomctimes waver Difirufi= breëdethnicerscs,feare and Dagger touching the very and fluggifhneffe, par: z, car go. principles themfelves, and itnme- pag::342. ; diate Wordof God_]par, r, ea, 8. Diftruff in the temporall pro- pt. 93. zo8. miles bathdriven the faithful' to Many good Chriffians live long many hard ¡lifts, beene the oeca- infeare anddoubt ,who would be iron:rrfdiverfe:flipsandEdIls} par. content to take any paints to bee z, cap. 8, pa, 35z.. : _ - retied inaffttrance of Gods love. Diftruff intht promifes ofper. - pants, ca. t, pa. zap. feveranco is the caufe ofmany per. - .Mif conceit that God bath plexities wherewith Chriftians made no promifeof mercy unto areentangled,par. a,cap.5,p. s7 9. them,is the main cautewhymany How God loth order this Chrikíansdoubt and fcare,p,23o. Ignorance