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lln ,qirphàbeticafrable. Ignorance of the nature of faith, the way to get affuraice, and the true ufeof fanétißcation, isthecaufe why manydoubt.p.r31 Many that truly believe, can- not certainely affirme that they believe,par: i ,ca: 3 ,pag:s 8. It is not the office of faith to maintain feares and daubts, but through the ftrength of corrupti- on and vveaknefle of faith we are oft affaulted, par. i ,ca:8, pag:9 z. Motions tadiftruft argue faith to beweake, para. cap: to, pag. 142& cap.': pag: i 66, but faith may be true and lively that is but weake: pag, í67. In refpcel of thébeliever hi'm- felfedaubring isa weakénefi'e tobe withstood and overcome ; but by the wife providence ofGod it is drfpofedfor his good p: t 69, I 7o. Troublesand feares by the wife providence of God make for the increafe and confirmation of faith.par:r,ca:8,pag:rii. We may not approve doubting for the good that God workes by it. pag: t I z. In the middtft of all fetrea faith is Rill running unto God. par: t, ca. 2,peg ,f kinginto the bookeofGods Ele- dion,ibid. IfSatan tempteth us to doubt of the promWes, bemire we know not whether we be ofthe number of the EleEf, wee mutt hold fuels fuggeftions to arifefrom the Spi- rit of errour,andnothearken un- tohim,ilaid. We cometoknow our Vernon by the areas thereof, as Faith, Iutt fication,Sanftification,par:I. cap. 7,pag.85 Error.. All Erreur or misbeliefe loth notdeftroy the truthof faith, par Leap. I. Evidence. * Ar Any objefis of faithmay al- Milo be evident,par. t,c 3,p. s9. There isar evidence direet,and an evidence byconk quence,ps2. The apprehenfion of the 'oyes of heaven cannot bee diftinEt in this life:but that God kath provi- ded fuch joyes is certaine and evident,pag. z3. Examination. E LrleEÜin. Zeêfian is anaátimmanent and eternall,par: t,cap: ,pag:39; The word oflife,not the f, -ciet decree ofGod, is the rule accor- ding to which wee mutt wallet. par:I., cap: az,pages66. Wee are boundto receive the offr of mercy and forgiveneffe made in the Gofpell without loo- ExaminationofdoEtrines by the touch.ftene is commanded- of God par.t,cap.3;pag.r7. We muff 'examine ourhearts to find out the fins which haply do hinder comfort,par.s,c. r z,p.I7 é If God bleffe us not according to promife, the firft work offaith is to ranfacke and fanne the foule narrowly, to find outand remeve vvhatfoever doth offend,par: ,ca. 8,pag,3 57.8c cap, I o,pag.3 9 f G g z Exami.