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i 11nAlphrabetitall Table. Examination of our hearts is a neceffary duty, but to be done in due order, fo as wee bee flirted up unro,not driven front the praflice ofother duties no lefle needful!. par. z, cap. 6. pag. 303. Faith teacheth ín time ofalli. Rion to examine our wayes that wee may findout what is ami{le. par: z, cap: 7, pag: 3 z t, 339, Example See Commandement and Fromit. Experience. troubles,pag: 333, Experience of Gods power and goodneffe in bringing us alive in to the world,fhould bee a meanes to fupport faith in the moll hope, leffe condition, pag; 333, 345 F. Faith. DYverfe acceptations of the word Faith, par,1,cap :r,p... s, 3. How and in what relpefts faith isnccefTary,ibid. Experience and fenfe isa Ray or Sortsoffaith, ibid. prop for our better eafe, not the What thefe phrafes, Faith of groundupon which our faith lea- Chrift, & Faitbmhicb ú by Cbrifi, neth,par: r,cap: i 2,pag:177. Faith on Chri/1, and Faith in Faith goeth before experience, Chrifl, donote,pag, 5, and waiteth for falvation in the There is a famed and dead depth of mifcry, grounding it felf faith, and a foveraigne, well roo- upon the tender mercy and faith. ted, unfained faithpar: J, cap: 4, fill promifeofGod, ibid. Experience is of great ufe in a godlyLife to confirme faith, &c. par:z,cap:so,pags389,par :r,cap: rr,pag:r63. The fmallell beginnings are pledges ofgreater favours, par: a, ca: r s, pag: 171. Prefentand formerbleflings of lureof£utureproteetion and corn- fort,par:r,cap:3, pag: a3. becaufe God is unchangeable, the fame for ever, par: r,cap: t r,pag: 163. Having once found ftrength and deliverance,in temptation and diflreQè, by flying to God in Chrifl , wee know by Experience what to doe, when Inch like Rate returneth on us,par: z,c.7, p: 30 I. Experience of Gods dealing with us in former diftrefles is a meanes to fupport faith in prefcnt Pag: 41, 54. The Author and worker of faith is God in Chrifl by the Holy Ghofl,par: r, cap: 2, pag: 7, 8. A twofold worke of God in producing faith, pag: ro, rr, Faithis a free worke of Gods grace, par: r, cap: 2, pag: 7. Though Godgive notfaith un. to all men, bee violently with- holds faith from none that fee- keth it, pag: r4 As the beginning, fo the in- creafeand progrcffeoffaith is of God, pag: sr. Howfaith is the workeofGod, and the aéf ofman, pag: r z. Knowledge coneurres to the being offaitb,par:r,cap:3rpag :15 16, See IInowledge. Faith and evidence may Rand together, pag; r9, Faith