11>, d Ip,babtticAll ra6le. Faith and Science are habits thatmay Rand together, ibid. Faith is an affent,pa. s 8,1g.See ,A,Terttr. In it owne nature faith is op. pofiteto doubting, pa. ao, & ca. 8, pa. 9z. Faith mnfl be entire in all fun- damentalI points, pa. zs. Faith is an afiiance,Sec .Affiance & confidence. Several' words ufed toexprefls thenature of thatfairb, which the Lord requires of his people, pas 24,25,56. Howfaith is the fubPance of things hoped for, and the evi- dence ofthings notfeens,p 23.39 Confidence oft put for faith, pa. zs. Difference betwixt faith and hope, pa. 30. Faithordinarily ruleth where it dwelleth, but the rule is mild and gentle, pa. 3 5, The Ilrength offaitb is quail ta the promifesof life,and to the offices of piety and love. pa. Faith is 'oppofed to wavering, double-mindediies, difobed+ence. ibid. Faith difperfeth the verrue of the Word into every faculty of the foulc,pa.34,&ca:r o, pa, s 39. par. a, ca: 9, pa. 380. Faith for nature isa fpirituall mite, howfoeverdefeEtive for de_ gree,pa.37. See Spiritual tags. Faith admits many interrupti- ons, ca: 4, pa. 3 8. Love is notthe foule or life' of faitb,par, 1, ca: 4, pa. 38. See Forme and Love. Faitbworketh by love, and is notwrought by love,p41,44.5 z. Faith is the meafure of love. pa. 41. How the goodneffe of God is the ob)edt both of our faith and I ove, pa. 39.40. See Goodnef of God. In refpe&offpirituall life faith is more neceffary then charity, p. 42. and if wee confider man pri- vately, and for hisowne ufe,ibid. &when we ípeake ofthe meanes ofJufti.fcation,faith muff bepre- ferred, pa. 43. In what fenfe the Apoftle faith, ,dr the body mithourthe spi. rit,fsfaithwithoat rood-Les is dead. Pag 43, 44. Faith ftirrethup and direc4eth all other graces of the fouls -in their operations. par. r, ca. 4.. Pa' 39.44. It is no truefaithwhich is feve- i dfrom gnod workes,pa.54.56. Howfaith ispeddledby works pa. 44, 45. Faith moveshand flirreth affe- - ¿lionsqaccording as the nature of the thing believed fkould and ought toworke; as of the Cre- ation, Providence, Mifery ofMan by Gnne, Myfteries of Godlineffq, par. 1,ca.5.pa.60.61. Faith dothref upon and em., brace all the promifes and that fo much the fafter,as the promifes be the more excellent, pa. 61. Faith ftayeth upon the wordof promife, and is confident of things , to reafon incredible , in nature impoffible, &c. par. r, ca. so, pa. r33. Faith is dirfled to God, in and through Jefus Chrift, our neare kinfman, who bath taken our nature 3 which Ihould encou- rageus tobelieve,p. s.c. r 1.p.15 z. G g 3 Faith