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In fYlphabeticall7able. Faith cannot take and leave, ftrongly fhakcn and greatly af- yeeid and with-hold afiènt at faulted, pag.9ç, Sce remptationr. '. pleaCure, part and manglc,divide Faith that is fincere in quality, with tines, feafons, and private is ever found in degree, and doth refpdts,pag.66,par. z, ca. 9, pag, confirme and firengthen it felfe 380. every day more and more, par. I. What God approverh, that is ca. 3, pag.3 s. Faith is lometimes pleating tofaith, though erode to little and weake par, a, cap.4 pag, a e,education,cuftume,credit,&tc, So, ibid, There are diverfe degrees of Faith fubdueth the firongefi faith, littlefaith, faith, full paffions as well and (if due and alfurance o faith, par. i, cap. 8. right comparilon bee made) as pag. sog. ca. to, pag. 540, par. a. muck as the weakeft, pa. 67, 69, cap. 3. pa, z44. 7 o. & ca: a o. pa. 139. pa, z, ca. Thefaith ofthe elect is fincere, 9. pag, 176, thefaith ofroux perfef in com- In particular pral ifes thefaith- pardon of others, but abfolutely full may faile,but the conftant re- faith is petted in none, pag. 141. folution of the believer is to par. i. ca. I z. pag, 189. cleave untoGod, pag, 68; Faith is imperfeft extenfively Faith is neceflary to falvation, and intenlvely, pag. 145. butfull of lirance, that I believe Thefaith ofthe weakeft Chri- in fuch fort, is not oflike neceffi- ftian is fufñcient to falvation. ty, par. r, ca. 7, pag, 84. pag, 14z. The dayes of faith are as the The degrees oftrue and lively feafonsof the yore, tome faire, faith may be confidercd according fomefoule,par.l,ca 8,pag,9zy to the diverfe growths which There is a Rate wherein faith God bringeth his children unto, is a fmoking wcake ,. defiring it their time and meanes of grace. could believe,ratkerthen getting pag. 143. up CO feele it felfe believe, pa. 94. Foure degrees of faith,ibid. In which cafewant of feeling ar- Faith is weake in knowledge, guethnot want offaith, pa s, ca. affent, confidence and the fruits t z. pa. 169. thereof, pag. 143, 144. Chtiftbans cannot aiwayes The weakeftfaith is advifedly iudge ofthat theydo, nor of the refolved to ilicke fait unto the great confequences thereof , pramilesof life, as much better thoughfaith be not troubled, pa. then the pleafures and profits of 94. this life. ibid. There isa date wherein faith Faithweakc in one refpeét may is exercifed with temptationsibid be ftrong inanother, pag. 145- In which the weake in faith mull Aweake andprongfaith differ not meafure themfelves by their not in nature andplantation, but owne prefent feelings and infir- in degree, pag. 146. Imities, par. I, cap: 1 z, pag. 169. The benefits of the vveakeft Sometimes the firong faith is faith , if true, and lively. ibid.