An Alphabeticall Table, & cap. s z. pag. 167. In the workes of our calling Wefhould ftrive to be ftrong faith teacheth to leane upon the and rich infaith, par.1,ca.5o. pag. living God, andnot on our ski!, 546, 147. and cunning, par. z, ca. io. pa. Weakefaitb,iffound,vvill grew 390. andincreafe, ibid. It fubmitteth to Gods direfti- The benefits of flrongfaith, p. on, pa. 397. dependeth upon his 147, 548. helpe and ailiftance, ibid.waiteth Meanes for the right planting för good fucceffc, pa. 399, offaith, par: 1, cap; r 1,pag 153. Faith feedeth upon every part 154- &c of theWord , getteth intereff in Faith once obtained is ferioufly everypromife,and fucketh vigour to be regarded, pa. 15 8, 1 S 9,&c. out of 1t,par.z,ca.I 5,pa.4O6. The labour taken about the The Faith of one mayhelpe to prefervation of faith is more obtaine for another, fofarre as it fweet then any pleafure or delight moveth topray for others, par. a. in theworld, pag. 160. cap, t o, pa. 540. Meaneswherebyfaith is fireng thened and confirmed, pag. 16o. Faithfulnej . 161. &c. We muff efteemefaith to bee Faithput for truth, fidelity or our richeft jewcll , and moll pre- faith;ulneffe, pa. 1, ca. 1, pa. a. cious treafure in this life, ibid. Faith caufeth diligence and Faith increafeth by esercite, faitbfulneffe in all workes and bu- and grovveth by continual! ufe. fineffes of our calling,par. z, ca. pag.1-64i pa. z, ca. 1, pa. 193, t0, pag 39°, 391. Many evills follow the weak. niag offaith, ca.1 z, pa. 164. and no leffe the ncgle& to nourifh andpreferve it, par. ',cap,' x.pag. 56o. .Faith maybe true,thoughmuch were amifl'ewhen fiat wee recei- ved the truth, par. 1, ca. 1 z, pa. 57o. Sight of faithmay be hid from our knowledge , and the lively fun&ions thereof intermitted, par. 1, ca 3,pa, 18, & ca. 1 a. pa. 173, 574. Faith may be flrong, when we have nofenfe nor feeling of met-. cy, pag 177. Faith feesan ineftimable price upon the pearle of the Gofpell. par. a, ca.9, pa. 376. Falling. Many good Chriftians through feare of falling away are entan- gledwith divers perplexities, par. a, ca. 5. pa. 277, 2,79. The Temporarybeliever who was never knit unto Chrift as a living, naturall,and proper mem- ber, may fall away from that which he feemcd to have : but the true believer, who receiveth new fupply of grace continually from Chrrlt the fountaine of grace,fhall never be utterly ME- cute, pag. z86. The godly may fall into fome foule and enormous crime wa- iling confcience , and for a time G g 4 lofe