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InAlphabeticallT'able. loofeTome degree ofnewneffe of Spirit, cleanelfé of heart, comfort of the Holy Ghoft, and peace of Confcience,par. r,ca:8,pa; r r S. Faith fhewesa man his owne woakeneffe, howapt he is not on- ly tofaM, but to fall away, ¡litres upholy jealoufie & fufpition left he fhould fall¡ but yet makescon- fident inGod through Chrift to be upheld, pa:a82,z83,z87iz88, 3,89. He thattruils not in himfelfe, but in the power of God, will, thoughhefalloft, Rill have hope, and venue his courageto Cet upon his enemies after Come foiles re- ceived, pa. z, ca; 6, pa. 29s. Paare, Slavishfeare is to be Striven a,. gainft; but feare ofcaution to bee cherished, par. z, ca:. 12,pa.4za, Forrpivenefe, See Remiften, Forme. Thefora e is the beginning of a&ions, par. r, ca: 4, pa. 40. There is a forme canna!' and accidentali, It is the effentiall forme oraét of faith to accept of the promifes of mercy, pa. 39. Charity may be called an acci- dentallforme offaith, pa, 4o. Faith is not quickened by cha. rity or the workesofCharity,but quickeneth, pa. 44. .Feare is adeceitful) andmaid. ous paflion, tyrannical!,rafh and ineonfiderate, proceeding many times from want of judgment, more then from the prefence or approach of evil! to bee feared. par: r, ca. us, pa: Feare, doubting., feeblenefle, fainting, nice nF:nderneffe ornzel. ringofheart in trouble, proceeds from infidelity and dihrua, par: z, ea: 7,pa. 33o. Exceflivefearebrings that up. ouus from which wee efpecialfy deuce to be freed, lets open the heart to Sathans malicious temp- tations, and binds the hands that theycan makeno refiftance, par. i, ca, r z, pa. r8f, par. z, ca.6 pa: 297,298, An afllieted fpirir, totted with feare & terror, through the temp. nations of Sathan, is unable to judgeofit owne eftate, par. z,ca: 6. pag. 3or, sot. Free-mill It isnot the good ufe of amans free-mill that makes him differ from other men,par. a, ca. s,pa9. There areno feeds of faith in our nature, ibid. Of our felves we have nopow- er to believe,or prepare our felves thereunto, pag, 7. The infufìon of faith is necef- fari[y precedent to the aft of faith par: r, ca: t o, pa. r 3 6. Man cannot naturally either fee and perceive, or will & delire the things ofGod, pa. r o, r r, There is no naturali . difpofiti- onin the will ofman to comeun to God. pag.zi. It isGod that inclines thewill agreeably to the difpofition of it to comeunto him, ibid. How it is true that wee believe becaufewe will believe, pa. r z. Faith isawork,not ofthe pow- er