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An 1llpbaóeticaKTable. er of ourfree-miál, but ofeheeffi- cacyofgrace,par.x,ca, r o,pa.13 6. 1'he lefle ablewe are tobelieve, the more carefull fhould we be, to ufe the meanes,that God hack ordained,that we might obraine it, pag. 14. If faithwere thewoke of our freewill it might well perifh, par. 2, cap. 5,pag.189. We could have no reit or quiet concerning our future eftate,pag. 279. He that relies upon the good rare ofhisfree toil!, muff neceffari- ly afcribe the pralleofhis perfeve- ranee in part, if not principally, unto himfelfe, par. z, ea. 5, pa. 281. Frugality. He that expefls Costs helpe, . whenmcanesfault, cannot lavifh indifcreetlywhenhis cup runnerh over, par. a, cap. 8, pag. 357. 367. G. Eilfit. Faith is agift of God moll free and profitable,par.s,ca.a, pag. 7. It is agift offree, eternal!, and unchangeable love, pa. 9. Geodneffe ofGod. Thegoodneffe of God is the ob. jeft ofour charity, by being fife the objr l of ourfaith, par. i,cap. 4 pag- 39,40. Our affections cannot in love move to, and unite themfelves with God,till by faith we know him to bean amiable object for usfinners to embrace,pa. 47. Go,Íiell. Faith put for theGofell,par.r ca. r, pag. z. Graceorfree favour. It is through Grace that men . believe, par: 1, ca. 1, pag. 7. It isofgrace that one doth be- lieve,andnot another, pag. 3. Grace or mercy isfreely promi- fed that we might believe , and vouchfaedtohim that doth be- lieve, par. 2, ca. a, pag. 2xa. Life is through faith , that it might be ofgrace,par.a,c.s,p.r96 Pardonof fin is offaith, that it might be ofgrace,par.z,ea.z,pag. Zia. aia. Salvatió it felfis ofgrace,as well as any benefit we have, tending thereunto, par, z, cap. 4, pag.z52. Which fhould quicken faith in thepromife offalvation,pag. z65. Grace, orgiftsofg ace. Faithacquaints a man with his emptines ofgrace,par. a,c. 37p.141 Faith isdiligent in the rife of the meanes ofgrace, but refleth . not in them, pa. 142. Faith beingthe pipewhich con- veyes all grace from Chrift the fountaine, they that wouldbe in- richedwith grace, mull bee knit unto Chrift by faith,pa.a44. The want ofthis is the true cauíe,why men labour in vaine to praEiife force particular vcrtue,paa.144 They that would perlevere in grace, mull be knit to Chrift by faith, par. a, ca, 5. pag, 186. The believer Bothnot relicup- on chofe fantlified grates, which are givenunto hit t tat like might be