AnAlphabeticall Table. be qualified and fitted to picad torgrace and mercy, par. z. ca. 2. pag. 113. , Grace is givenfreely,not defer- ved by workes; yet by the ap- pointment of God, be thatwould encreafe in grace, mull employ what he bath received,par.z,ca,3. pag. 143. We are allured from God that he will perfeél the worke ofgrace which he bath begun,par.s:ca: 5. pag.z7 5.and ca, 9. pag. 3 75. The leaft meafure of lanetify- inggrace,isancarnet} of further grace to be received, par. 2, ca. 3. pag. 145. Grace is an evidence,pawne,or carneft,yea the beginning of glo- ry, par.:, ca.4.pagz 53,15 5i2 5 6. According to the meafure of grace received,fo is the life ofglo- ry begun inns,ibid. &pag,z68. Livelineffe and a&ivenefe may be lefl'e when the truth of grace isthe greater. par. z. ca. 6. pag. 3-1 1 . & par: I ca"r . 187. Grace maybe true whiles it is finall, i z,pag. 175. None attaine to perfe&ion of grace in this life, ibid. Therefore wemolt feeke to be cured of our weakcneffe, and not defpaire of 'life,ibid. Thegraceof God workes not alwaies alike in his children, par. 2.cap.6.pag,303.31 I.par.I.cap. I x pag. 187. The effe&s of grace doe not aI- waits appeare the fame,yeafome- times they feeme to be quite overwhelmed. par. 1, ca: 8. pag. 95* Graces may lie hid, and worke rn refped of our acknowledge- ment infcnfibly. par. I. cap. 12. pag. 173. t86. Thcgraces ofGod do ebbe and flow in hisfervants,pag.173. In Gods deareft children there may be decayofgraces in part,and for a time, pag. 17 a. 173 Leftif we had attained facility in all things,w: fhould thinke that our owne, which is meerely his work. pag. '73. The Lord many times with - drawes the tile of Come particular grace, that Come other may in greater meafure thew forth it fclfe,ibid. In the time of temptation the godly want the fightof Godsgra- ces in them, par. '2. cap. 6. pag. 301. This comes to paffc,fometimes through feare, fometimes through pettifhnefie,pag. 301, 3oz. Grace may appeare to others when in the time of temptation a godly man cannot difcerne it in. himfelfe,par. 1. ca. I z. pag. 190; par. z, ca. 6. pa. 301, 303, 311. Truegrace, well planted in the heart, how weake foever, fhall holdout for ever,par. I,ca.1 z. pa. 18z. The longand manifold temp- tations, wherewith the godly are exercifcd, is to them an argument ofgrace received, pa. 303. 304. In refpeél of the exa& meafure of graceand firength, the regene- rate arc oft deceived, but of the truth ofgrace they may be eared, par.'', ca. 8, pag. loo. . He t'iat fees himfelfe miferable by finne, though bee can fee no grace in his route is called tocome unto Chrifl,and believe, that bee might receive of his fulneffe, par. I, cap. II, pag, 176, 199. 191. par.