tin fllphaóeticall Table. par. z. ca. 6. pag. 302, 3o 3 . Glorie. faith in the protnife of pardon maintains theg'oy ofGods grace intire, par z. ca. z. pag. z13. It isá gr'eatglory to God that we live by faith on him concer- ning ourfuture eftate,par.z ca. s. pag. 28 1. In timeof temptation we glob rifle God by belceving, and give him as it were a'teftimoniall of his truth,power,mercy,and good- nefre, par. z, ca. 6. pag. 29 z, God is hereby much glorified, that we relie upon him in time óf diflrefre, par. z. cap. 7. pag. 319. H. Habit. Ot the habit of faith (though that be necefltry) but the at of, faith is that which God commandeth inthe Scripture,pat. I. cap, 1. pag. f 6. God infufeth the babit of faith into man,whereby hee giveth to will tocome untoCheift, pag. t o. I I. Heart. In Scripture the heart is taken for the whole foule, with all its powers and operations,par.I, ca, to, pag. 7;8. The (Cate of faith is the bear: contrite,humbled, bewailing fin, denying it felfe,and affeetedwith defre ofremiflion of finncs, pag. Faith feafonethevery faculty of foule,reafonable and tenfuall,par. Leap. 3.pag.34.. par. z.cap.9.pag 387. y faith Chrift dwelleth and ruleth in our bearts,par, I cap, to pag.I 3 z. par. z. cap. 9. pag. 3 78. The whole heart noteth thein. tegrityand uprightnefié of the foule, not the perfcc`tion ofgracé without any infirmity or defect, par. I.cap. ts, pag. t o I. The heart unregenerate is de- ceitful!, the heart regenerate is true and ftithfull, pg.. too, InTome particular refolutions, the faithfull may be ignorant of their owne hearts:but oftheir ge- nerali purpofe they may betruely perfw;waded. ibtd.pag, 114. & ca. I z: pag. 174.. Heaven. Did menknow the worth and gloryof the Kingdoms ofheaven, theywould feeke it-with-all ear- nefl aefre, par. z, cap. 4,' pa. 2.67. z68. Menoft recite eatthly things, andmitre of their delires 3 but the promife ofbeaven,tsfure and fted- fafi, ibid. Sloth and carelefnef e, in fee- king heaven, is more to be corn demned, then in matters of the world, par. 2,cap.4pag.z64will cautemore griefe and heart-brea- king, pag, z68. Hiftricall Faith, H f orieallfaith What it is. par, I . caps p ; antivvhy called bftoncail;tbitl Wherein' faith hijlorica'i and Juftifying