AnAlphabeticall Table. Juflifying agree, par. t, ca. 4. Pa. 49. Holine. Our flrength is tooweake for the worke of holineffe, iftherfore wee bee not perfvvaded that God will be with us in it, we muff needs faint and be difmaid, par, z. ca. 3,pa. 240. & ca. 5,pa.277.294: & ca: 9, pa. 372,27 3. Being acquainted with our weakeneffeherein,wee are hunt. bled inour felves, and, in all our purpofes and refolutions relying upon the power of the Lord are drawne toprayer, pa: z41,247. Faith in thepronaifes ofeverla. fling life leadeth forward in the pathofholinefe, par. 2, ca: 4. pa: 254, 26 r. Hearteneth in the vvorkes of godlinefte againft all oppofitions, pa:252, zf 5. Faith in the promife of perfe- veranceputsforth it felfe to per- forme all duties of holinej and lovewith life and fervour, par. z. ca: 5, pa: 278, 284. Faith coveteth increafe of grace and bolinefJ"e, asmen doein. creafe of bodily health and flrength, pá: 285, 286. The more affurance of faith, shemore holineß of life, par: 2, oats, pa: 3z6, &ca: 5i pa: 278. .Hope. Hope of heaven is the fure an- chor of the foule to cflablifh it, that it be not overwhelmedwith themiferies of thislit ,par: 2, ca: 4,pa: 25 {,,24;,& ea: y, pa:2ßo. Hopeofheaven makesundáurt. ted and unweaticd in the wäyes of godlíneße,pa: z52,2 54,a 55 Httnmility. The bumble fpirit drinkes up much grace, and shall bee reple- nifhedabundantly, pa: i, ca: r z. pa: 18 a. What God gives in grace dock vvorke the heart to humility and tender commiferation,par. z, ca: 8, ppa. 356,& ca: ro,pa, 39g. Ofall graces faith is the moll humble, par. r, ca: 3, pa: ca: r, pa: r 96. & cap: 9. pag: 383. Themore fincerely faithwork- eth, the better wee difcerne and unfainedly acknowledge our im- perfeaions, and difclaime all affi- ánce in our ovvne righteoufnefíe, par. ,, Ca: 6, pa: 7o. The believer, thehigher hee is exalted by the free mercy of God, the lower hee is abated in him- felfe, par: z, ca: z, pa: au, Faith in the threatnings work- eth bumblenejfeofmind and heart par: a, ca: r2, pa: 423. I. /lien((e. Sloth in the works ofGod how made odious, pa. 2, ca: 9, pr. 383. 384. Whenwe are idle and folitary, Satan bath moil advantage to tempt : but confcionable imploy- ment shuttcth the dome againft him, and taketh away the oppor- ruaity, par:2,ca: 6, pa: 297, 298. 348,309. Ignorance.