8n4lphebeticaltTable. and chearefidl undertaker of any raines ortoyle,par.a,cap :t ®,pag. 39953'391. Nothing can fo much encou- rage, quicken and confirme in pines taking as faith, pag: 398. He that is filent expeâing Gods helpewhen meaner fàile, cannot fit ftill whenmeanes bee at hand. pari a,ca.8,pag:3 57,367. Faith incites men to labour in Godswarke,who live daily on his allowance, pag: f67. Infirmities. The true believer isfesifible of his manifold infirmities and fai. lings,par:a,ca:9apag:3 81. Infirmities mutt beeacknowled' gedand bewailed pag: 383. The InfirmitiesoftheSaints in their troubles, par: z,ca:g,pa:3rr Ioy. ignorance. Thedarkeneffe ofminde is an impediment to full and perfcft knowledge, par: I.ca.ao pag:141. 142. Being eompaffed about with themilts of ignorance, we attain not the under(tanding of many things revealed, par. I,ea:3,ra. i 8.. The Papifts commend Ignorance anddifgrace knowledge, pag: 16. They teach thatfaith is muck better defined by ignorance then byknowledge, pag: 17. Faith captivates our undcrftan- ding unto theobediêce of Chrift, but is not ignorantof Chrift,p:i é Faith fubjefteth reaCon unto thedoctrineof Godand his reve- lation g but it neither cxtingui- (heth the nature of man, nor the light ofteaforì, ibid, Impatience Impatiencean effeft ofunbeliefe par: a, ea: 1, pag: ao 3. impatience rraafiftton proceeds fromguiltinefTe of Confcience & untamed paffions,hotb which are correfted Joy faith,par: s,èa: y,pag. 3aß- Implicitefaits. Implicitefaithwhat,and inwhat refpeft fo called, par:a, ca: 3 .pag. 18. Implicite frail; in them who know nothing is moltabCurd,ibid indsfiy. Faith is the nsoft free, willing by in the Holy Ghoft a privi- ledge accompanying affurance of faith, panzca: s,pag:asI. Daily exerciCeof faithpreferves and encreafethjoy, pag;szs. The Icyof a Chriftian excecdes the mirthofa wdrldling, ibid. & ca:4,pag: 267. It depends not on his outward condition, pag: a46. Iay of the Saints here and in heaven differ onely indegree and manner offruition, pag:226,549. Joy in God makes usdeipife the pag: 121. See World Faith in thepromife of life re- joyeeth in God,.par:a,ca:4,p. ado. In tribulations,pag: 161, & ca: , pag: 3 3 g.Howit rejoyceth,pag. 343. 1u¡fification.