An'Alphabeticall Table. lui iftcation. faith cannot reahy be separated, or negatively cant deted without 7eflification is an a& tranfient hopeand charity,par;I,ca:4,p.5. & in trme,inferring form, change in the perfon jufliñed, not phyti- Ireifyirgfaith, call, but morall and in refpc& of flatc,par.t,capt7ipag.8y,. luffifyingfaith hcw To be juftified is of (inners to flied fromTemporary,par: rica, x be made jufl and righteous,not by pag- 4. infuionofhatineflè, but by free ,,By what phrafes thisfaith is 'ex- condonation and acceptation of prefledinScr; palm, Ibid. grace, par.a,cap s,pagi z t 8. Faith in Chrifl is before befi-. fication inender ofnature, and lst- IHfication is precedent to the fente and feeling of remidion, par: x, ca: 7; 'pag: 86. How Jollificationis full and en- tirepar. i,cap:8,pag: t o5. Faith juftifies not as an at t or quality,but as it recetvcthChris.. parts,caao,pag: x35. not by any dignity or excellency of it ovine; but in refpec`t of the place and of- fice,which our merciful God hath Why called »plying, ibid. To iufifieisnot the full eft& of faith lttfifyirg, but the pritaci- pall and molt etnent,ibid,.& ca: 5, Fag. S 8', 59. - Iitiiifying faithdoth: necefariiy require faith IaillorlcaIl before it. par;s,cap:a,pagt 6. luftijyingfaith Both morecer- tainelybelieve the Hiflory, then thefanh.called hilloricall,par: I, ca: I, pag: 3. - How it may be defined, par: I, ca: a, pag: 7, freely and liberally granted unto Of all creatures man onel), is ít,pag: x 0. capable of faxing and iuf i ying The a& offaith as it jutifeth faith, par s,ca: t o pag; 13 5 is to receive the promife of mercy lufiÿingfaith,vvhieb cloth:in- made in Chrift, and to yell tipon chide and fuppofe imperfe&ion, ià him forpardon, par:x, ca: 7, pag: proper unto man in this life,in his 85, 88,part a,ca: a,pag: 218. journey towards his perfe& home Seejufijiing faith. and eternall habitation, ibid. lugifying faith bath fundrya&s; The fubled cf1W/tying faith is One heartily to delire, carnally man a (inner, called according to to long after, humbly to intreate the purpofc .of-Göd' ácknovvled- for acceptation, and confidently ' ging his oflenccs,and thirfting af- to rat upon the promife of free ter mercy, pag: x36: remiflion : Another comfortably Faith well rooted is common to allure that that is granted, to all, and proper to them cnely, Which was delired and received in who bee called ac ording to - the promife, pag: 88. purpofeofGod, pas: ,a39. -'- ;Faith alone Bothjufife, that Is In tuffifyingfairb two things arc primarily confidered without tobe coníidered; The common hope or Charity,as coules concur- naturc,& the fpecificall piantati- ring therewith in rutlification.but on & foveraigotypar;i,ca:4,p 49 /aft i)yiag