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.msì` Alpha6."etii it raylë lttftifying faith is confidered, The faithof Abraham, which either eccoiding taits moli emi- was fixed upon the gracious pro-, nent:aa,which is tojùfíiße,oi ac- mire,.&el-ful:acne it fel£e by the cording to its:fult and adequate conhidcrátionofGods power,pag. ad, par: i;ca:55pag:58. & par. a. 7x, 73. ca: z, pag. 209. Faith receiveth the pardon of The ob,eftofjtifiirying faith is finas it is profered in the word of twofold ; s. Generali, the whole grace, par. t, ca. 7, pag. 87, truth ofGod revealedin his Word Before the adofzuftificatid faith a. SpecialL, pag: 59:' hath for object this propofition lit tifyingfaith is a particular & concerning thefuture; Tome be- certaine confidence, par, a, ca: 7, lieving my fins flail be forgiven, pag 79.that is, it particularly re- ibid. lieth upon the grace of God in Je- hiNoman sjußfif nor by ardon believing fus i,ene to obtains pardon and by believing that he is pardoned. forgireneflè. True faith in Chrifi loth breed pag. 85believe that I am one of confidence and boldnetfe,pag:8 r. Gods Bled people, and that m expell utter defperation, ibid. Gods are l pardoned and th t ay To believe un Chrifi, is to re- way is ed a grace,gran- ibid. Chrift andfeede upon him, Y privil ge g' , . ted to him whobelievcth, is lea Faith is certaine in event not led by theSpiiit,and knoweth af- everin knee, page 8 z. f&redly, that he believeth,pag. 85, luftOtitis faith is an ubedientiall 89 affiance,conloynedwith afFedion A1Turanee that our finnes. arc ofpiety, par: r,ca:3,pag: x4,& ea: pardoned iS ca in lira- re), pag. r3 7. ¿iieall fyllogifma, thus 3 Hee that ittfìijiugfaith cleaved.' to the truly beleeveth bath obtained Commandements, as neceflary, pardon of his fin Se 6a. 6. good, and worthy to bée flocks See unto, peg: 24,& ca:5,pag:66. luf i[yingfaithcannot be with - SecCommandements. out love, and how that is conk- But juftifietb by receiving the med,par. r,ca.4,pag 46,470par, x, gift of righteoufneffe, which is by %ca.. , pag. 371. meritofJefusChrift,par :r,ca: The faith that lullifteibislivá- 4,pag: 41. ly and operative,par. i,ca. 8, pag. Faith feeketh not life and fah 114. vationinthe threatnings, prohi- Dead faith is unavaileable to bitions, or Commande'nents;but duflification,as irieffeduall tafea, refieth upon the promifes oÇmer- fon the affedions throughout, & cy in Jefus Chrifi,parr r,ca.6,piig. incite to uniforme ads of love. 70,71. par. r, ca, 4, pag. 45. Inwhat fenfewte read the be- The cads_ and benefits of liefe ofa temporary promife was lufiijing faith, par. r,ea, ro,pag. accountedforrighteoufneffc ,ibid. r 3r: r 3 Z, 133. / Sundry